Tristan Imagine for Iman

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Tristan Imagine For ickuboo

You were sat with your 3 best friends Brad, James and Connor and your boyfriend Tristan watching a horror film. You were normally okay with horrors but not when people were skinned alive and other unmentionable ways people were killed.

"Who picked this film?" You asked hiding behind a pillow when someone else was horrifically killed.

"Take a guess Iman you're dating him" James muttered from beside you.

"I don't like it it's too creepy" you said as continued to hide

"I'm going getting more popcorn" Tristan said from your other sonde and jumped up running in the kitchen.

"Isn't this his 4th bowl?" You ask James.

"I think so" he laughed.

"SHHH" Connor and Brad said at the same time not raring their gazes from the screen.

"I'm bored an I don't like it" you whine again.

"Aww I'll entertain you" James smirked but before you could ask what he meant he was lying on top of you tickling you.

"Ahh James stop" you screamed.

"HEY" Tristan said walking back in with his popcorn.

"Er hey Tris" James said getting up.

"Get off my girlfriend" He said sitting in between you and James and putting his arm over your shoulders and you snuggled into him.

"Jesus Christ" Brad muttered pausing the film till you shut up.

"Erm sorry mate I wasn't trying anything" James defended.

"Yeah okay" Tristan said sarcastically.

"I WASN'T!" James defended.

"Tris leave it I don't like him that's why I'm with you" you whispered in his ear.

"Sorry" Tris apologised.

"Can we play the film now with no interruptions" Connor asked annoyed.

A chorus of yeah's came from you, James and Tris and you all continued watching the film and you continued hiding.

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