#8 - He Finds Out You Can Sing/Play An Instrument

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Preference #9 - He Finds Out You Can Sing/Play An Instrument

You were in the studio with the boys watching them record and they had al gone out to get some Nando's and left you there to look after everything so you thought you have a bit o a mess about.

You went into the studio and picked up one of Connors basses, sat on the floor and placed it on your lap. You started to lightly strum the strings an then you let the musician in you take over an you started playing Weightless by All Time Low.

You suddenly heard clapping from behind you and you turned to see all the boys stop in the door way grinning at you.

"What?" You asked looking at them.

"How come you never told us your girlfriend could play bass Con?" James asked.

"I didn't know my self" he said not taking his eyes off you and you looked away and walked out of the studio to the lounge.

"(Y/N)" you heard someone shout from behind you and you turned you to see Connor.

"What?" You asked shyly looking down.

"How come you never told me you could play bass?" He asked bringing his finger under your chin and making you look up.

"Because in rubbish compared to you" you answered looking him in the eyes.

"No you were really good and anyway this now means you can join us playing" he said grinning.

"I guess" you said shrugging but grinning.

"I love you (Y/N) but is there anything else your hiding from me?" He asked jokingly.

"No nothing else just that I love you too" you said kissing him.

You were at home alone because Tris was out with the boys. To were only wearing one of Tris shirts and underwear and you were making food for you both for when he got back and you had picked up 2 wooden spoons and were drumming the tune of Can We Dance on the side of the counter and to hadn't realised that Tris had walked in the front door.

"Babe?" You heard fro behind you and you spun round so fast you almost slipped I the floor.

"Oh hey Tris" you said turning back round and putting the spoons back hopping he didn't hear you drumming.

"What were you just doing?" He asked walking up to you.

"Oh nothing just cooking some pasta" you said hoping he would drop the subject.

"No with the spoons, were you drumming?" He asked finally reaching you and Rubin you round by your waist.

"Possibly, sorta, maybe" you answered looking at him.

"Why didn't you tell me (Y/N)?" He asks pulling you out the kitchen and to the drummer that was in the corner of the front room.

"I didn't think it mattered that much because I haven't played a proper drum set in years" you answered shrugging.

"Show me what you can do" he said sitting you on the drum kit and handing you his drum sticks.

"Fine" you hugged as you started drumming Reckless by You Me At Six.

"That was awesome!" He yelled as he picked you up and spin you round hugging you.

"Thanks" you blushed as he put you back on the floor.

You spent the rest of the night sitting on Tris' lap on the drums taking turns guessing the tune.

You had gone with Brad and the rest of the boys to watch them do a concert I London and they had just finished sound check and were eating in their dressing room so you decided to have a wander round the stadium.

You got to the stage and realise the mic was turned on so you picked it up and started singing one of your favourite songs. Nasty by Pixie Lott, you got to the long note and you just finished it and managed to keep it going and you heard a load of whistling and cheering from the side of the stage and you looked over to see all of the boys stood there.

"Hey (Y/N) can I talk to you" you heard Brad shout.

"Yeah" you said walking over to him and you went and sat on the front row of the seats and he started to talk.

"How com you didn't tell me you could sing like that?" He asked kind of hurt.

"I don't think it mattered so much" you said.

"Really though how come you never told me" he asked seriously.

"You never asked" you said bopping his nose.

"At least now I know you can duet with us on YouTube" he said putting his arm round you.

"Yeah we can" you said I unsurely.

"What's wrong babe do you no want to?" He asked.

"Yeah I would love to but I've got stage fright" you replied shyly.

"Aww babe I'll be there to protect you" he said kissing you.

"(Y/N), babe have to seen my guitar?" James asked as he walked into the living room.

"Yeah it's over there" you said pointing to the corner of the room.

"Thanks but why is it down here in sure I left it in our room" he said confused picking the guitar up and sitting next to you on the couch.

"You did leave it in our room" you said putting emphasis on you whilst flicking through the TV channels.
"So did you move it?" He asked you putting emphasis on you like you did.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't" you replied turning the TV off an turning to him.

"Do you play?" He asked.

"A little" you replied.

"Show me" he said handing you the guitar and you took it off him and started playing Ignition by R.Kelly.

"You're pretty good, who taught you?" He asked.

"You seem to forget that my brother is a guitarist" you said laughing.

"Well yeah I do but you're good, he's a good teacher" he said kissing you.

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