Connor Imagine for Lucy

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Connor Imagine for Lucy

"WHAT?" You screamed at Connor.

"What was what?" He asked confused.

"Connor I saw you kissing my sister!" You told him.

"What when?" He asked confused.

"Don't act stupid Connor I saw you and her in the kitchen when I went to the toilet" You said now crying and shaking.

"No you got it wrong I didn't kiss her she kissed me" He said trying to grab your hand.

"No Connor that doesn't matter what does is that you didn't pull away" You replied and smacked his hand away, "Just go Connor, leave me alone"

"But -"

"No just leave me for a while I want to be alone" You said and left upstairs. You heard the door open and close and Connors car pull out of the driveway.

You lay on the bed crying and shaking until you heard your phone ring.

"Hello" You sniffled into the phone.

"Hello is this Lucy?" A welcoming voice asked.

"Yes who is it please?" You asked trying to calm down your shaking.

"This is Manchester General Hospital were calling because we have a Connor Ball here who was involved in a car accident with a drunk driver" Your breath hitches in your throat at what she said.

"I'll be there as soon as possible" You said and hung up and practically ran to your car.

You drove there as quick as possible but still safely because of what just happened and ran into the hospital when you arrived.

"Ball, Connor Ball what room?" You asked the receptionist.

"Room 216 on the second floor" She said and have you a sad smile.

You ran to the stairs and flew up then and down the hall till you found his room and went in to see him lay in bed with wires everywhere and the heart monitor bleeping continuously.

You say down and just watched him breathing, the it comfort you had was the loud beeps coming from the machine which were showing you his stability.

You lay your head on his arm and grabbed his hand an just listened and waited for anything to happen.

You felt a slight twitch in his had and sat up watching his face when his eyes opened and he looked at you sadly.

"I'm so sorry Connor this wouldn't have happened if I didn't make you leave" You said tearing up.

"No it's my fault I don't feel anything for your sister I was just shocked when she did it that's why I didn't pull away" He explained squeezing your hand.

"We're both sorry let's leave it there but I just want you to feel better soon" You said kissing him.

"I agree" He said and you stayed with him in the bed until you ha to leave and you stayed with hi everyday until he was discharged.

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