#24 - Date

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Preference No.24 - Date


James had asked you on a date a week ago and it was happening in 2 hours you got ready in some casual not to scruffy but not too fancy clothes (outfit on the side) and in little time. Surprisingly you were waiting for him to come pick you up instead of him waiting it you for once.

He arrived 10 minutes later dressed casually like you, thank god, you'd guessed.

"Wow (Y/N) you look beautiful, Shall we?" He asked in a fake posh accent.

"We shall" you said giggling and linking your arm to his and walking to his car.

You drove for about 20 minutes when you pulled up to Nando's.

"Ooh yay chicken" you say excitedly.

"Yeah you love it, I love it perfect place" James said laughing.

You spent 2 hours eating, talking, laughing and general having a blast. James payed the bill and we left and got back in his car.

"So where we off?" You asked him.

"It's a surprise" he replied driving.

You pouted and gave him the puppy dog eyes but he wouldn't tell you a thing so you left him and just watched out the window as the trees thinned out quickly all disappearing along with all lights, cars and people leaving just you, James and the car lights alone in the dark...still driving.

"Are you planning on killing me" you asked laughing.

"Yeah then I'm going to dump your body and drive away" he said laughing as well.

"Seriously though where we going" you asked again.

"Were here now, come on" he said turning off the car and getting out so you followed him and saw you were at a cliff.

"James?" You asked looking at him lay in the bonnet of the car.

"Come on, come here and look up"

So you did and you saw thousands of stars.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Yes it's so beautiful" you whispered.

"Like you" he said kissing your forehead and you spent about another 2 hours cuddling on his bonnet looking at the stars until you decided to go home from the coldness. You have to say that was the best date you have ever been on.


You had been dating Brad for a while now an he had invited you on a date do New Years Eve. Of course you said yes because you have never had a New Years kiss and you wanted your get to be with him. He said he had reservations for 6 and his family's party was starting at 9.

You got dressed in casual dressy clothes (outfit on the side) and Brad arrived a little earlier so he stayed downstairs waiting. As you walked downstairs you heard the TV being turned off and footsteps coming down the hall.

"Wow" You heard Brad mutter when he saw you, "you look gorgeous"

"Why thank you"

"Come on we have reservations"

You drove to some fancy French resteraunt and spent 3 hours eating and talking mainly about his family as you were meeting them for the first time tonight and were pretty nervous.

"(Y/N) babe don't worry they'll love you" he said reassuringly.

"Im not worried just nervous"

"Don't be I love you and so will they" he said and with that you left for his house.

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