James imagine for Esther

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"Hey everybody! So today I am joined by a very special person, James McVey!" You smiled at the camera in front of you.

"Hey guys, thank you for having me Esther" James smiled at the camera and then smiled at you as you faced him. You smiled at one another for a second before jumping back into the video.

"So today we're going to be doing the never have I ever challenge, we both have cards that say I have and I haven't and we got you to send in suggestions for questions to ask and we have to answer them honestly, you ready James?" You asked looking from the camera to him.

"As ready as I'll ever be" He laughed.

"Ok so first one is, never have I ever farted in public" 

James held up I have, you held up I haven't

"Ew James!" You exclaimed hitting him on the shoulder with my paper. 

"What? When your on stage you can't just run off like sorry guys just need to toot then I'll be back" He defended.

"Okay don't need to know, next one never have I ever had a crush on a friends other half" You held up never, he held up never.

You looked at his answer and laughed, "Oh look at us we're both saints" 

"I want to read one out", James exclaimed taking your phone out your hand, "never have I ever had a crush on James/Esther" he read out.

You held up have, so did he.

You continued filming the video for about an hour until you had enough questions to pick from for the final cut. James left whilst you edited the video but said he'd be back later so you decided to edit and post the video the same day, it was too funny to not. You messaged James telling him you had uploaded the video and he replied saying he'd be back soon to look through comments.

You got notifications blowing up your phone from people liking the video and commenting so you decided to look through some of the comments before James got there. All you saw, comment after comment was 

Omg there so cute! Totally ship! #jesther

Ah why are they not together? #jesther

Please get together #jesther

My heart can't take the cuteness #jesther

They both have a crush on each other! #jesther

Did you see how they looked at each other at the beginning! #jesther

A knock at your door brought you away from the computer and you went to go answer it seeing James stood there beaming at you and you opened the door more and he walked in.

"Have you been reading comments?" He asked you as you closed the door behind him.

You nodded still staring at him as he was staring at you.

He slowly walked over to you and your back hit against the door. His arms circled your waist and he leaned down and gently brushed his lips against yours. 

Your eyes flew shut and your hands reached up to lightly tug and the hair on his neck. You kissed passionately until neither of you could breathe and had to pull away. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked breathlessly.

"Yes" You whispered back and connected your lips to his again. 


Been a WHILE hasn't it!

Heres a new imagine I wasked for ages ago!

Also please check out my new book, Second Chance, spread the love, vote, comment and share!

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