#6 - Your ill

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Preference #6 - Your ill

You were lay next to the toilet in your and Tris' bathroom. You hadn't been feeling well yesterday but thought nothing of it until about 1am and threw up in the toilet.

"Babe?" You heard someone call and you looked at the doorway to see Tristan stood there wiping sleep out of his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked enabling down next to you.

"Nothing's wrong go back to bed" you said and just after you said that you threw up in the toilet again.

"Babe I won't leave you if your ill" He said sitting down next to you.

"No don't come to close you will get sick too" you said trying to push him away.

"Don't care" he said pulling you Ito his chest. You spent the rest of the night snuggled up with Tristan on the bathroom floor.

Brad left before you woke up this morning and had been at the studio all day. He had no idea that you woke up with a cold.

You had spent the whole day wrapped in your duvet on the couch in your living room with tea and the TV.

You were asleep until you heard the front door open and close. "(Y/N), I'm home" you heard Brad yell.

"Front room" you croaked out and saw him walk into the front room.

"Aww babe you look horrible are you ill?" He asked you.

"Oh thanks for the compliment" You said.

"Aww I'm sorry why didn't you call me?" He asked getting under the duvet with you.

"You were working I didn't want to interrupt you" you said snuggling up to him.

"Come on babe your more important than that I would of come and looked after you" He said hugging you.

"Well next time I will call you" You said looking at him.

You went home from work early because you had a really bad migraine and couldn't concentrate.

You hadn't talked to Connor all day either as when you got home you went straight to bed. When you woke up it was 3pm and you weren't expecting Connor to be home but we you went downstairs there he was with a bag of Nando's, water and some paracetamol.

"How'd you know?" You asked hugging him.

"I just did" he said kissing you.

"So who called you? Work or (Y/BF/N)" you asked smiling.

"Okay it was (Y/BF/N) she said to come check you got hike because you had a migraine"

"Oh well thank you come on let's got eat this food" you said pulling him with you into the living room and cuddling with him on the couch.

You were supposed to be going meeting James' parents with him today but you didn't feel too good all. You really wanted to do was curl up in a ball in your bed and sleep.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?" James asked when he walked in from his shower to see you in fetus position on your bed.

"I feel like shit" you murmured into the pillow.

"Aww babe we can go see my parents when you're better but today we are staying here and watching films" He said putting his pyjamas back on and sitting next to you.

"Thanks James it means a lot" You said sitting up and hugging him.

"Come on we will sit in the lounge and watch them" he said standing back up.

"But I don't wanna move" you mumbled lying back down.

"Who said you have to" he said and you felt two muscular arms pick you up and the duvet and starting to walk down the stairs.

"Thanks babe" you said kissing his check.

"Anything for you" he said kissing you.

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