#15 - He Hates You

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Preference #15 - You Hate Him


You were meeting your 3 best friends James, Tristan and Connor at Nando's but unfortunately for you Brad was coming with them. You both despised each other there was no main reason for the hatred he just acted like an arse when he saw you.

"(Y/N)!" You heard your 3 best friends yell as they walked in. You laughed and hugged them all up until you came to Brad and he just looked you up and down with look of pure disgust on his face.

"I already ordered everything before you came I know what you all get" you told them and they thanked you and you all talked about anything and everything until your food came.

"Wow (Y/N) are you really going to eat all that!" Brad said on shock. You had only ordered a chicken wrap and some chips.

"Er-I-Um-" you stuttered looking at him and the other boys who were all looking at Brad like he stabbed someone.

"Spit it out fat arse" Brad said annoyed. You didn't answer you just got up and ran to the toilets and locked yourself in a cubicle and cried.

You heard the door open and some footsteps come to your door.

"(Y/N)" you heard the voice your recognised as Brad say, "I'm sorry I was rude".

"Why you apologising you were right I am fat" you said still crying.

"Come out please" he sighed and you got up an walked out not sure why you were listening to him.

"I'm sorry for calling you names and being rude to you all this time it was just because I kinda maybe sorta liked you but didn't want you to know" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well I'm sorry but-" you were cut off by Brad kissing you. He pulled away and you were stood there shocked.

"I had a feeling you were going to turn me down so I stopped you before you said anything" he smiled and you returned it and you walked out of the bathroom.


Your 3 best friends Connor, Tristan and Brad had gone out to the shop and left you alone at your hours with James.

"(Y/N) I have a very important question" the most annoying boy on the world said to you.

"What James!" You asked annoyed. He leaned forward as if it was very important.

"Why you so god damn ugly?" He asked.

"Thanks James way to boost a girls confidence" you said sadly.

"It's just the truth" he shrugged and you got up and walked out the room and to your bedroom.

"(Y/N)!" You heard James yell but you ignored him.

"(Y/N) why are you up here ignoring me?" He asked now stood at the end of your bed.

"Go away James you obviously don't like me so leave" you said burying your head in the pillow.

"I never said I don't like you" he said now lying next to you on your bed.

"But you just said I was ugly" you said annoyed at him.

"So?" He shrugged.

"You don't just call a girl ugly, the expect her not to be annoyed and then come lie next to her on her bed" you pretty much yelled at him.

"Oh shut up" he said and kissed you.

"Really?" You asked pulling away annoyed.

"Yes now come on" he said and kissed you again this time you didn't pull back.

"Looks like you two like each other now" You looked at your doe and saw all 3 boys stood there smirking.

"Shut up" you said and threw a pillow at them.


"Aww (Y/N) what's wrong?" One of your best friends Connor asked you when he walked into your house.

"I'm ill" you said in a duh tone.

"Oh well I'm going to go buy tea and chocolate" he said walking back out.

"Where's Brad and James?" You asked Tris you didn't particularly like him and he didn't like you.

"They'll be here soon they had to do a job for James' mum" he said huffing and sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Well I'm going to bed" you said walking upstairs and lying back on your bed and fell asleep but you weren't expecting to be woken up.

"(Y/N)" you heard a whisper, "wake up" you were nudged as well and you opened your eyes to see Tris with a bowl.

"What?" You huffed.

"Here eat this" he said handing you soup and he sat on the edge of the be whilst you ate.

"Why'd you hate me?" You blurted out.

"I don't" he sighed, "I just i don't even know I never hated you" he sighed.

"So why treat me like you did" you asked him.

"Well I have never been good at expressing his I feel" he said and looked down.

"How about this" you said kissing him.

"Yeah that's how I feel" he said smiling and kissing you again.


"Why this slut here" Connor practically yelled as you walked in the club with them.

"Connor don't be so rude" James scolded.

"In sorry but just look what she's wearing an he has a boyfriend who's not here can't be seen with a slut like her" he spat and turned and walked away.

"Ignore him he's been being quite a dick recently" Janes said trying to comfort you.

"No it's fine he's right I shouldn't of come out" you said and you walked back out the club and went home.

There was a knock on your door about 2 hour later and you figured it was just one of the guy Colin to check on you so you answered it but it was Connor you huffed and let him in.

"Look (Y/N) in sorry James told me what happened I had no idea your boyfriend cheated on you and I always envied him for being with you so I tried to convince myself I didn't have feelings for you that's why I called you a slit and I'm just so sorry" he said hugging you.

"It's ok you didn't know" you said hugging him back.

"Yeah and he was a dick he didn't deserve you" he said and slowly he leaned in ad kissed you.

"And now I have a chance" he said pulling away.

A/N - OMG I have 1.3K reads and 100+ votes thank you guys so much I can believe it and also if any of you have a request for a preference you want to see message me xxx

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