#7 - Your Brother Is A Member Of 1D

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Preference #11 - You Brother Is A Member Of 1D


The Scottish boy had fallen for you, the Irish girl. You both loved each other's accent and you got it off when you went on your with our brother and his band and you all met up with The Vamps.

You admit you liked the boys, you watched then on YouTube and you had the eye for Connor and you fell or him when you met him.

You had been dating now for about 2 months and you hadn't told Connor that your brother was Niall you just told him that he was a childhood friend because you thought that if Connor knew he was your brother he would look at you differently and you didn't want that and now Connor was coming to meet the rest of your family. Niall knew about Connor just not the other way round and you were dreading what Connor was going to say.

"Come on babe they'll love me, you do" Connor said pinching your cheeks and pulling you to your front door.

"Shouldn't this be other way round. I should be pulling you" you laughed nervously and walked with him. You go to the house and walked in.

"Mum I'm home" you yelled as you walked in and there was no answer.

"In her sis" you heard Niall yell.

"You have a brother" Connor asked you questionably.

"Er yeah" you replied showing him to the lounge.

"Oh" was all he replied following you.

"Hey sis, hey Connor" Niall said as you walked in.

"Hey" you replied and turned to see what Connors reaction was...he looked surprised.

"(Y/N), Niall Horan is your brother?" Connor asked you.

"Erm yeah he is" you replied looking down.

"Why didn't you tell me, why lie?" He asked you.

"I though that if I told you you would look at me differently like everyone else, I had to use a fake name at school so no one knew" you said tearing up.

"Oh (Y/N), babe I would never look at you differently I don't care who your brother is I love you and nothing will change that" he said kissing your check and hugging you.

"Good" you said hugging back.


"Babe what time is it?" Tris asked you. You we're lay cuddled up in your lounge with him watching films.

"Erm Midnight why?" You asked him looking up at him.

"I should get going" he said sitting up.

"No just stay the night here" you said pushing him back down.

"For you I will" he said kissing your he's and you smiled at him.

"Sis I'm home!" You heard your brother tell as he walked in.

"In the lounge!" You yelled back you heard your brother walking into the room and you felt Tris move.

"Er (Y/N) why is Harry Styles from One Direction in your lounge?" Tris asked sitting up.

"And sis why is Tristan Evans, the drummer from The Vamps cuddled up to you in out lounge?" Your brother asked and you sat up his time.

"You are both here because Tris, Harry is my brother and Harry, Im dating Tris" you replied to them both.

"Oh okay have fun" Harry waved as he walked out you always loved how he was never overprotective of you.

"Well that clears things up any other famous relatives I should now about" Tris asked in a joking manner.

"No not really just you should know that even though Harry didn't give you a grilling prepare for one of Liam and Zayn, they're like my older brothers and they are the protective ones" you laughed and lay back down.

"Oh okay thanks for the warning" Tris said unsurely and you just inner laughed at him.


"I'm so excited for this concert" you said as James parked the car at the O2 arena in London.

"Yeah same" he said unsurely.

"Oh come on it's my brothers band be happy" you said kissing him.

"I am, I'm quite a fan I'm just not looking forward to the interrogation I'm going to get off your brother after it" he said smiling at you.

"He isn't that bad" you laughed and started to go into the arena.

After the concert was over you made you way backstage with James to go an meet your brother.

"Hey sis" you heard your brother Zayn yell from down the hall.

"HEYYYYY" you screamed running him and hugging him.

"So is this James" Zayn asked you.

"Yeah this is my boyfriend James" You said grabbing James' had and pulling him forward.

"Nice to meet you" James said sticking his hand out which Zayn gladly took and shuck.

"Well you seem nice just don break my little sisters heart or I will murder you" Zayn said sternly and James looked scared for his life.

"Don't worry I won't I love her" James said smiling at you.

"Good" your brother said walking away and you turned to James and smile up at him and said,

"I love you too"


You met Brad in LA when you went to spend some time with your brother Louis whilst he was on tour. You had asked him to meet your brother that day and he was confused as to why seen as he had only just met you but he went along with it anyway.

You took him to the hotel you were staying at with you brother and the rest of 1D.

"Sis, that you?" You heard Louis shout from the bathroom.

"Yeah I got someone you wanna meet" you yelled back.

"Ok I'll be out in a sec" he yelled back you led Brad to the bed and sat and talked waiting.

"So why do you want me to meet him again?" He asked you confused.

"You'll see why in a minute" you smiled at him.

"So sis what's up?" Your brother asked as e walked out.

"Woah woah woah your Louis Tomlinson so (Y/N) you last name is Tomlinson?" Brad asked shocked.

"No shit" you laughed.

"Oh your Brad from The Vamps aren't you?" Louis asked Brad.

"Yeah I am were all here in LA" he said turning back to your brother.

"Cool I have a very important question for you Brad?" Louis said sternly and Brad nodded for him to continue.

"Would to like to open for us on our tour?" Louis smiled.

"Of course" he said excitedly an thanks and Louis left.

"So that's why you wanted me to meet him" Brad said

"Yep" you smiled.

"But I thought you didn't know me I thought you were different" he said and he looked quite upset.

"But I-what-" you stuttered confused.

"In joking thank you so so so so much" he said hugging you and spinning you round.

"Your welcome" you said and hugged him back.

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