#19 - It's Your Birthday

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Preference #18 - It's Your Birthday

"Babe get up" Tristan said poking your cheek.

"No" you said rolling over.

"Come on have you forgot the date were supposed to be meeting your parents" he said poking you again.

"I know the date were not meeting then till noon" you said opening one eye.

"Yeah I know it's 11" he said.

"Shit" you said and ran out if bed showered as fast as possible and got dressed and put your hair in a high ponytail.

"Come on let's go" you said grabbing Tristan hand and pulling him to the car.

You arrived at the resteraunt you were meeting them just past noon and saw your parents and siblings waiting for you.

"Hey guys" you said sitting down and Tristan da next to you.

"Hey happy birthday" They all chorused.

You all chatted during dinner and talked about Tristan's career until he got up and went outside. Exams back in about 10 minutes later you qake if he was okay and he just nodded.

"Dessert?" The waiter asked you all said yes and ordered something.

"Er (Y/N) happy birthday" Tristan said sliding over a small velvet box. You opened it and found a silver infinity ring.

"Oh my Tristan it's beautiful" You said sliding on your finger.

"Only the best for my girl" he said kissing your forehead.

"Tristan you are amazing!" You said hugging him.

"I know" he said shrugging and you laughed.

"Yo Brad what you doing today" you heard James ask Brad over the phone.

"Taking (Y/N) out for her birthday" he replied in the phone.

"Okay see you tomorrow then" James said and hung up and Brad came to you.

"You're takin me out?" You asked him confused, you hadn't planned anything.

"It's a surprise" He said walking out the front door gesturing for you to follow him.

You drove in the car for about 20 minutes and came to a stop at a hotel.

"Why we here?" You asked confused.

"Well lets go inside and find out" He said pulling me along with him.

You walked into a full on empty lobby with no workers or anything but Brad continued walking like nothing was wrong and he knew exactly what to do. You came to a door that said said Hall 1 and he walked in and again it was empty.

"Are we here for a reason?" You asked again.

"Just sit and wait" He said pointing to a chair right in the middle of the floor looking at a stage so you sat and he went behind the stage. You were waiting for five minutesd when you heard Brad singing and walking onto the stage.

"I used to wanna be,

Living like there's only me,

And now I spend my time,

Thinking bout' a way to get you off my mind" He sung to you and you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned and found all your friends and family stood there grinning.

"Ahhhh what you guys doing here?" You screamed hugging them.

"Brad" Your mum said to you.

You turned to go find Brad but when you turned he was stood right behind you.

"You are the best for flying them all out" you grinned hugging him.

"Anything for you" He said kissing the top of your head.

"Babe I got a present for you" Connor grinned holding a small wrapped up box.

"Oh gimme gimme" you said like a 5 year old stretching you hands out for it.

"Here" he said giving you it and watching you waiting for your reaction.

You unwrapped it to find a Cd and a note that read -


I love you with al m heart and I know you loved my band before we wee together and I though what better way to show my feeling that through all your favourite memories an dreams that you've told me about so many times. Enjoy,


You put the CD player and pressed play. First thing was a picture of the first time you met the boys as a fan. It went through all the pictures you had of Connor on your phone all the foetus ones, funny ones and some recent ones. You smiled at all the memories you had with the pictures and grinned at Connor.

When you turned back to the screen it started a video of the boys dancing to Couting Stars (The one they did on Friday download), then moved to them twerking to Icona Pop and continued with all the different dances they've done publicly. It came to an ed with Connor playing the guitar and singing Let Her Go to the camera and the words-
"I Love You (Y/N)"
Came up on the screen.

"CONNOR" you screamed attacking him in a hug, "you are the best I lie you so much" you said squeezing the life out of him.

"It took ages to figure something out becaus you kept saying you didn't want or need anything so I came up with this was it good?" He asked sheepishly.

"Good? No, Great! Yes thank you so much" you grinned hugging him again.

"Your welcome babe" he said.

"But b any chance did Dean do the editing?" You asked.

"Yeah I can't do that shit to save my life" He laughed.

"Tell him it was great and thanks" you smiled at him again.

"Will do" he muttered.

"(Y/N)" James yelled over the phone.

"Hey babe" you replied.

"Sorry I can't be there but happy birthday and I hope you have fun without me" He gushed.

"I'll try" you said sadly.'you hatted to him for a whole until he had to go for a performance and it was only 8pm so you decided on watching a film.

You put a horror in and ordered a Chinese. 20 minutes later you were curled in a ball rocking back and forth ethic the film. You hears a knock I ye door and sprung up thinking t was the Chinese you ordered.

You opened the door and saw nothing but the dark night, no cars and no people. You started shaking now because you were so scared.

You closed and locked the door, turned the film off and turned the light on in the front room and sat on the couch with a pan in your hand.

You heard a crash from the kitchen and a grunt. You sprung up and hesitantly walked to the kitchen.

"Hello" You whispered bringing the pan up in defence mode when you heard footsteps.

The light to the kitchen switched on and right I front of your face was James grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"JAMES" you yelled with a mix of annoyed, surprised, happy and shocked.

"Hey babe happy birthday" He grinned hugging you.

"Thank you but next time please don't scare the crap out of me" you laughed.

"Sorry but hey I'm here" he kissed you.

"Now for that Chinese" he said holding up the Chinese you ordered grinning mischievously and you slapped his chest laughing.

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