Brad Imagine For Kyla

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Brad Imagine For Kyla

"HOW COULD YOU?!?" You heard Brad yell, wait Brad? You stopped kissing the guy I front of you and opened your eyes to see your ex boyfriend Jake.

You turned just in time to see Brad walk away.

"Leave him come here" Jake said.

"No I won't leave how could you I thought you were him as why are you here anyway?" You asked frustrated.

"I came to get you back and you kissed me so don't go blaming me!" He yelled.

You ran away from him he dumps you after you said you didn't want to go all the way with him. How could you kiss him? Yeah they do both have curly hair, olive skin and brown eyes but Jake is a jerk unlike Brad.

You drive home hoping to find Brad there and explain to him what happened.

"BRAD" You shouted as you walked in.

"Fuck off Kyla and go fuck Jake" He spat at you.

"It wasn't what it looked like!" You replied.

"Why was it then coz it sure looked like you sucking face with your ex" He screamed.

"I thought he was you I am so so sorry" You whispered finally breaking down an sliding down the wall.

"Waterworks now ey, go cry see if I care" He said folding his arms watching you sit there and cry up a waterfall.

"I've had enough" You hear him mutter and when you looked up to ask what he was talking about you felt his lips smash to yours with the most passion he ever had put in.

Once he pulled away you looked at him confused but all you could see in his eyes was lust.

"Did he kiss you like that?" He asked seriously.

"No" You whispered. Then you felt him kiss all along your neck and stopped where you moaned and sucked.

"Did he ever make you feel like that?" He asked sexily.

"N-no" You stuttered out.

He continued kissing and sucking all along your neck making you a moaning mess. He pulled you up p the floor a muttered 'jump' against your neck when he had his hands on the back of your thighs, so you did and he placed his hands on your bum instead and started walking.

He took you to your room and lay you on your bed and pushed you back his lips never loosing contact with your neck.

"Mmm" You moaned when he found your sweet spot yet again.

"I love you Brad" You whispered as he started to undress you.

"I love you too Kyla" He said kissing you and continuing what he was doing.

A/N - I can't write about the actual sex because even though I'm probably one of the most dirty minded people out there I still feel uncomfortable writing it. Sorry Kyla.

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