#23 - He Tells The Fans

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Preference No.23 - He Tells The Fans About Your Relationship.


"Hey babe we have an interview today and I want you to come" Tris says wrapping his hands round you waist whilst you cool breakfast.

"Why?" You ask confused this is a first.

"Just do" He shrugged so you agreed and went with him.

You sat backstage watching the interview when the interviewer brought up relationships.

"Single" All the boys chorused except Tris.

"So Tristan who's the lucky lady?" The interviewer asked leaning forward.

"She's called (Y/N) and she's is backstage" He said with a giant grin on his face.

"Aw lets bring her out" The interviewer cheered.

"Okay" He said and got up coming backstage.

"Nononononononono" You said as he approached you.

"Come on" He said grabbing your hand and pulling you out.

"Welcome (Y/N) so your the lucky lady dating Tristan" She said happily.

"Er yeah" You said shyly.

"Aw that's so sweet she's shy anyway that's all we have time for today sorry, bye" She called out tio the audience and someone yelled cut and there was lots of cheering.

"See not so bad" Tris said as you got backstage.

"Yeah at least we don't have to keep it a secret now" You said happily.

"Yeah that I'm glad for" He smiled and hugged you tightly.


"Hey babe the boys are coming over tonight for a twitcam that okay?" Brad asked you.

"Yeah that's fine I'll make myself scarce for it" You said happily.

The boys arrived 2 hours later and you went upstairs to watch films whilst they did the twitcam. You were happily watching Bad Neighbours and drooling over Zac Efron when you suddenly were in the mood for some cookie dough ice cream. You got up to go get it but your foot though differently and gave way making you twist and fall to the floor with a thump.

You heard someone running up stairs while you lay limply on the floor.

"Oh my god, (Y/N) babe what happened?" Brad asked.

"I wanted ice cream but my ankle thought differently" You muttered.

"Aww come on the fans asked what the noise was so i think it may be time to tell them" He said picking you up effortlessly and walking down the stairs.

"Are you sure?" You asked whilst he carried you down the stairs.

"Yep" He replied carrying you into the living room where the boys were. He set you down next to him in the camera.

"Guys this is the cause of the noise" Brad said gesturing to you.

"Er hi" You said waving at the camera.

"This is (Y/N) and we are dating so i would appreciate it if you didn't send hate" Brad said and you continued to do the whole twit cam with them and the fans loved you.


"Hey (Y/N) do you think we should tell people about us?" James asked walking into living room where you were lounging around.

"Do you wanna?" You asked sitting up.

"I'd love to I'm just concerned of what the fans will do about it" He said running a hand through his hair.

"If they give me hate I can handle it I'm a big girl James" You joked.

"Okay so how should we do it?" He asked excitedly, you could tell he really wants to tell people.

"SELFIE" You both screamed at the same time. You both got out your phones and he held it up with one hand and turned and kissed you on the cheek whilst you uncontrollably smiled. You then took a pic on your phone of you on his lap and him with his chin on your shoulder.

You posted them to instagram and twitter and tagged each other and the fans figured out seen as it was pretty obvious. The fans were pretty cool about and you were both extremely happy.


"Hey babe lets go out tonight" Connor said strolling into the kitchen.

"Where?" You asked.

"How about to go see ALL TIME LOW" He said pulling the tickets out.

"OMG YES YES YES" You said jumping up and down happily.

"Come on concerts in an hour" He said and you went and got changed into a casual dress and off you went.

"This is so good" You yelled to Connor over the loud music.

"OMG it's Connor from the vamps" You heard a fan yell and you both turned to see two fans grinning.

"Hey" Connor said to them.

"Hi, can we get a picture?" They asked.

"Yeah sure" He said happily.

"Who's this?" They asked.

"This is my girlfriend (Y/N)" He replied pulling you to him.

"Oh how cute can we get a picture with you?" They asked.

"Yeah sure" You shrugged ad you did. You all went back to enjoying the concert and when you checked twitter later on your followers had gained rapidly and many of them knew about you and Connor...ah well


Hey I feel as if I've been slacking and doing short preferences so here is a kinda long one for you. Also added a fetus picture of the boys how does that make you feel? Enjoy. And if you haven't already go check out my Brad fanfic I'm going to start I have chosen the cast as well that has been updated go Vote for it, it would mean a lot. Also if you have any ideas comment them! I wanna now!!

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