Brad Imagine for Tiffany

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Brad Imagine for Tiffany

"Brad hurry up we have to be there in 10" You called up the stairs.

"Coming now, sorry I was getting dressed" He said and grabbed the car keys and walked out the door you trailing behind.

"You didn't have to dress up you know we're only babysitting my brother for the night" You said looking at him wearing jeans and a button down shirt.

"Yeah I know but I still wanted to look good for him he's your family and could always go tell you parents stuff about me" He said smiling sheepishly.

"He'll love you trust me" You said grabbing his hand. You drove in silence till you arrived and got out the car and your parents walked out the house.

"Hey thanks for babysitting Tiff, we'll be back tomorrow around 11" Your mum said hugging you before she go in the car followed by your dad. You waved them off and walked in the house to see your brother holding Brad down by his aromas and his knees on his chest.

"Jake get off Brad" You said pulling him up.

"TIFFANY" He screamed running and latching onto your leg.

"Hey little man how've you been?" you asked picking him up.

"Great!" He said hugging you.

"Good now why don you play a different game that doesn't involve hurting my boyfriend" You said and set him down on the floor again.

"Okay come on Brad" He said and pulled him up the stairs to his room no doubt to play video games.

You went up to check on them a few hours later to see Jake curled up in a ball on Brad who was lay on his bed watching a film.

"What happened to him?" You asked pointing at your brother.

"We played video games for a while then he wanted to watch Transformers so I put it in and he fell asleep like this" Brad said smiling down at him.

"Aww" you gushed and pulled your phone out to take a picture of them.

"Come on he needs to sleep now anyway it's 10" you said and picked him up. You changed pulled off his hurt an jeans leaving him in his boxers and lay him under his covers.

"Your so cute with your brother you know" Brad said hugging your waist when you got back downstairs.

"Thanks he's my favourite guy" you replied.

"Well no technically second favourite because I'm number one" He said kissing you.

"Weeellllll" you drawled out.

"He can't do this" he said an kissed you again, "or this" and then he trailed his kisses down your jaw to your sweet spot on your neck.

"So who's your favourite?" He asked again.

"You" you said and hugged him.

"I want kids" He murmured into your hair.

"Yeah me too but not yet I'm only 17, maybe later on in our relationship" You said looking at him hopefully.

"Of course" He said and kissed you again.

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