Tristan Imagine for SparkyTheKItten

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Tristan Imagine for SparkyTheKitten

"Tristan why can't we just tell him about or relationship, it's not like he'll kill you" You said pulling on Tristan's sleeve.

"Yeah Melody and whilst I'm at it why don't I tell him that I fucked his girlfriend as well" He replied sarcastically.

"You're overreacting now he isn't that bad" You said practically begging him now. 

"I will tell him when I'm ready, not now but I promise soon" He said pecking your lips.

"Okay, but no one is here now sooo..." You said leaning back into him and reconnecting your lips.

You were making out for about 5 minutes until someone cleared their throat. You turned your head to see your brother Connor stood watching you and Tristan make out. Shit!

"Erm sup mate" Tristan said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sup? Sup? Really your sucking faces with my baby sister and you ask me whats up?" He shouted obviously annoyed.

" Connor calm down" Tristan said standing up followed by me.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" He yelled back.

"Connor come on I'm not a baby I'm 17!" You yelled at him.

"I don't care he's 19, in a band and barely ever at home, he will break your heart" Connor yelled back.

"I am still here you know" Tristan said waving in Connors face.

"I don't care Connor I love him!" You yelled not actually realizing what you said till both boys had their jaws hanging open staring at you.

"Melody do you realise what you just said" Conoor said staring wide eyed.

"Yeah I do it's the truth" You said turning to Tristan.

"Melody I love you too" Tristan said hugging you.

"Connor if you don't want to see me kissing your sister, leave" Tristan said turning to Connor.

"Okay, bye!" He yelled and ran out the room and Tristan turned to you and kissed you.

"See that wasn't that bad" You said laughing at him.

"Yeah whatever you say"

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