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They where twins, they did not look alike nor did they look related but they where. Normal muggles going about there day. Living in Wisley, a quiet town where thing had to be perfect every minute of the day. The hedges around the low grassy yards where cut equal to the home next door and the next, and the next. Small purple flowers with small amounts of violet were poking through small flowerbeds right outside the square polished windows with a cream outline. The twins had just turned 14 yesterday during the date of 23 of August. Bianca and Nellie, Nellie was a girl with a bright attitude for reading a range of many think and thing books, her hair was a chestnut brown and waved lightly down to mid torso, she had freckles all around her face but they where more prominent around the nose and under eye are, her eyes were a warm chocolate brown that lightened when doing what she loved most. Bianca, Nellie's twin had light brown hair that slightly ombré's to blond at the tips though she wore her hair straightened everyday that she wore down a few inches past her shoulders her natural hair was up to her shoulders in ringlets that made her look like she wore a perm, she wore brown square glasses that were darker than her hair and bright blue eyes that changed with the seasons. Both girls new that they were not normal but didn't think much of it until one day something unforgettable occurred on the day of the 24th of August.

Bianca woke up that morning, she stepped out of her room that she shared with her twin, she made not to make a sound as she past Nellie's bed each step she took her flowy panda onesie would sway back and forth. She walked down the creaking hallway and came to the small desk the was near the entry to the Kitchen, the desk was a dark oak wooden material and all the displayed was to photo frames, one with a dark haired woman that had every rosey cheeks and Bianca's eyes and a man that had many freckles and chocolate brown eyes with ginger hair that was shortly cut.

"Good morning mother, good morning father, I miss you both every day." I say to the still pictures.

"Good morning Bianca, called a voice from the kitchen."

"Good morning Auntie Loren." I say to her, after my parents died six years ago Aunt Loren has been Nellie and I's guardian. I walked over the the sliding door to fetch my sausage dog Corley or Cor for short I see in a lamp post near by an owl, it has dark brown, red, light brown and blonde feathers all over it.

"That's strange." I say to myself.

I grab Cor and get waked in the face a few times by his hyperactive tail and bring him inside, I sit on the blue leather couch with Cor and start petting him.

"Guess what I just saw." I say to Aunt Loren

"What?" She asks.

"I just saw an owl outside." I point to where I saw the creature and look out the window, it's not just one owl now there is at least five.

"He must be here soon then, go get Nellie up and start getting changed." She said.

"Who may be here soon?" I ask

"Just do what I say." Aunt Loren says firmly.

I run over to my room and jump straight onto Nellie's bed.

"Wake up!!" I yell to her.

"Okay, okay I'm getting up, what do you want?" She ask

"Don't ask me, Aunt Loren wanted me to tell you to get ready because someone is coming over." I say as I pick out a few clothes from my closet.

"Who's coming?" she says as she walks over to her dresser

"I have no idea." I say as I look down at the outfit that I've pulled out, it's summer so I pulled out a cool outfit, I got out a baggy long sleeve shirt the was a velvet red the sleeves where buttoned up above the elbows. I also got out some shorts made out of denim and has man made rips in them. I also had black ankle socks and converse high tops to finish the look off. I got changed into them and looked over to Nellie, she had a t-shirt on that was all different shades of blue, black shorts on and flats. I walked to the bathroom to lightly brush my hair and when I left I heard a knock on the front door and straight after Cor barking at the person behind it. I walked over to the door to open it and so did Nellie but Aunt Loren got there first.

"Good morning Albus it's good to see you again." She said as she hugged the old man who looked well over the age of 150 if that was even possible. His white beard reached almost to the floor, his white hair reached the floor and so did the interesting looking costume he was wearing, it looked like he was trying to look like a medieval wizard.

"You must be Nellie and Bianca Clove." Said the man

"How do you know our names?" Nellie asked the man.

"I know more than just your names and I'm here to take you to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry." Says the crazy old man.

"School of witchcraft and whosadry?" I ask.

"Your Aunt is a squib, she knows all about what I'm talking about. You two are both muggle born witches. Although you two where not ready to come to the school three years ago your coming this year."

"What is Hogwarts?" I ask

"What's a muggle?" Nellie asks

"What's a squib?" I ask

"And what the bloody hell is going on?" Nellie adds.

"Hogwarts is a school for witches and wizards to learn about magic and all it's properties. A muggle is a non magic folk and a squib is exactly opposite. Your both muggle born witches." Says Aunt Loren.

"Hold on, you've known about this whole magic thing all your life? Does that mean mum and dad where witches and wizards?" Nellie asks

"No I was adopted into your mothers family when I was 12 because my pure blood family disowned me." Said aunt Loren.

"Girls I want you to go pack your bags, I know this is a lot to take in but you need to do what I say, once you've finished packing your bags Dumbledore here will be taking you to a new family they are the Weasley's and they will be you guardians for the next four years. It's not safe with me anymore because I've gotten I a lot of trouble with the magical law and dumbledore will fill you in on more detail when you leave. Trust me."

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now