The Train.

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"Have fun dears!" Said Molly as we all walked onto the train.

"Bianca come into our carriage." Said George as he sat down with Fred.

"Sure" I sat with a smile.

"How many of the school books have you read so far?" Fred asked as I sat next to him in the train carriage.

"All of them, I'm actually reading the potions book for the second time." I say to him. "I'm going to go see where the others are sitting, I'll be back soon." get out of the carriage and walk down passing about three other carriages. Until I find the one with Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Hey guys." I say as I walk into the carriage.

"Oh hey Bianca." Said Ron.

"Bianca! Bianca!" Yelled a voice from outside the carriage, I look through the window and see it Nellie calling my name.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"I need to talk to you in privet." Nellie says as she pulls me out of the carriage.

"Okay what's up?" I ask

"There's this guy and he's not too attractive but he is super kind and nice and I think I may have a tiny, tiny, tiny crush on him." She says while blushing.

"Aweeeeeeeee, my twin is getting a boy....when can I meet him." I ask

"Hey Nellie." Said a boy with short brown hair he looked very nerdy.

"Oh hey Neville." She says "that's him." She whispers in my ear

"Oh, well I'm going to go back to my carriage." I say "good luck." I whisper.

I walk back down to the carriage and bump into someone and I fall backwards

"Ow!" I say and look up, you kidding me it's freaking Malfoy.

"Oh it's you again." Draco said as he rolled his eyes.

"Are you going to stand up and move or are you just going to glare at me all day." He said.

I got up but still glared at him.

"When was the last time you here ever nice to anyone, if you push someone over all you need to do is say sorry, it's not that hard!!" I yelled to him

"Get out of my way." He said but didn't move.


"Get. Out. Of. My. Way." He Said getting a bit angry.

"N.O." I say back

"Fine." He said as he pushed past me.

I walked until I reached Fred a George's carriage. I walk in and start paceing.

"I swear I'm going to hurt him one day and not just like a small kick where the sun don't shine but like a full blown knock out, he just makes me so angry!" I yell.

"What happened?" Asked George.

"That slimy git Malfoy!" I yell as I sit back down next to Fred.

"Anything from the trolly dears?" Asked an old lady pulling a trolly full of weird looking sweats and confectionary.

"We're set." Said the twins looking down at there smushed sandwiches.

"Yes please!" I say.

"I'll have six raspberry twist, three bertie botts and three chocolate frogs please." I say looking at the weird looking food.

I pay for it and sit back down. I give them two raspberry twist, one Bertie bott and a chocolate front each.

"We said we were fine." Said Fred

"Well that's too bad, now eat!" I Said with a laugh.

- few hours later -

"Oh my god it's huge!" I say to my sister as we follow the first years.

"This is going to be so weird being sorted with the first years even though we are in year four." Said Nellie.

"I am professor McGonagall, the sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." She said and walked out. The doors to the great hall opened and the first years, Nellie and I all walked into the hall.

After about half an hour the first years had  finished being sorted. Then a recognisable face stepped up, it was dumbledore.

"As you all my see there are two students that look older than first years waiting to be sorted, this is Bianca and Nellie, twins that had not known they where witches until less than a month ago, it is now time for them to be sorted into there houses." Said dumbledore.

"Nellie Clove." Said McGonagall

Nellie walked up and the whole room went silent, the old hat was placed apon her head and it began to speak.

"Oh I see, this is a very interesting mind, you have no idea who you are do you, well if I must sort you lets see, your loyal like a Hufflepuff but no I shall not put you there, You have the courage of a Gryffindor but no that's not it either, you are very ambitious like a Slytherin but still it's not the right fit, Your mind is very intelligent like a Ravenclaw and you have the creativity for it, yes that's it.... RAVENCLAW!" Suddenly her tie went blue and grey and her scarf went the same colour as her tie.

"Bianca Clove." I walked up the stand and looked at the Gryffindor table and saw Fred and George, they mouthed 'good luck' and I sat down on the small stool, McGonagall placed the hat on my head and I got ready for my sorting.

"Oh I see your the twin of the witch before, I see... oh your mind possesses something no witch or wizard has ever had before. Well time to sort you, this is hard, very hard, I have no idea where you should go, you will strive for greatness in Slytherin, in Gryffindor you will do the same, Ravenclaw can teach you more than any other house and Hufflepuff can show you a new range of new things, you posses all traits for almost every house but I don't know weather to put you in Gryffindor or Slytherin....Hmmmm I think I must choose...SLYTHERIN."

"What! No!" I say in shock, I look over to Fred and George who look as equity shocked.

"Now everyone it's time to introduce two new schools that we will be hosting for the year for the Triwizard Tornament! Meet the beautiful beauxbatons and the dangerous Durmstrangs!" Said dumbledore.

How could this happen I'm in Slytherin, Gryffindors rival house, will Fred, George, Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny still like me and what will Molly and Arthur think. This has been a horrible day.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now