Hated Or Loved.

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"You, you don't hate me do you?" I asked sadly looking down at the floor.

"No we don't, we know who you are and we could never hate you." Fred said and hugged me.

"It's not like all slytherins are horrible, your obviously not." Said George and he gave me a hug too.

"I wonder if we can get dumbledore to let you in the Gryffindor Common Room?" Asked Fred.

"I may allow that if you promise not to use it for wrongdoings." Said a voice from behind us. I turned around and saw it was infact dumbledore. How did he get there I didn't even hear footsteps.

"I will also allow Nellie to enter the Gryffindor Common Room, But this is only because you live with the Weasley's." and then he vanished.

"I don't know how he does that." Fred said

"Neither do I" answered George.

"Well that settles it, you'll be staying in our common room until 9pm every night." Fred said with a laugh.

"Do you usually have other schools visiting?" I ask them.

"No, it's the first year it's happened to us."  Said Fred.

"I can't believe you have to be 17! We are 16! This is evil!" Yelled George.

"Oh wow! I can't believe it 7pm already." I say to the twins.

"Okay well let's get back to the common room." Said Fred. I followed them to the Gryffindor Common Room and I went inside, there was many stares of the people inside and I heard faint whispers.

"Isn't she a Slytherin"

"What's she doing here"

"This isn't her common room"

"A Slytherin in the gryffindors common room? pigs can fly!"

"Okay everyone stop your muttering and get back to you knitting!" Yelled Fred.

"Thanks." I whispered to him

"No problem."

"Bianca!" Ginny yelled as she ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"I can't believe that the hat sorted you into Slytherin!" She said

"No one can." Answered George.

"Hey Bianca!" Said Harry as he walked over with Ron and Hermione.

"I know if some of you guys hate me because of what house I'm in and-"

"We don't hate you, you've done nothing wrong." Said Hermione.

"Well I'm going to sit on the couch, are you coming Bianca?" Asked Fred.

"Sure" I Said and walked over to the couch unground of the fireplace.

I sat down next to Fred and George sat on the other side of me.

"Do you want a blanket?" Asked Fred.

"Okay sure." I say to him

"Acio blanket." Fred says and a blanket comes flying towards us. I take it and put it over Fred, George and I'd legs.  You know what Fred is super kind and nice and very attractive and... what the hell Bianca where are these thoughts coming from.  I shook my head.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked

"Ah nothing I'm just thinking about...stuff." I say to him.

"You look so tired." Fred says to me.

"I feel tired." I say with a laugh, I look over at George he's fallen asleep on the couch.

"Bianca, wake up it's 9pm you need to go back to the Slytherin common room." Fred said as I slowly opened my eyes.

"I didn't even realise that I fell asleep." I say to him as I take my head off his shoulder.

"I'll walk with you to the Slytherin common room." He said and got up.

"But you'll get dirty looks." I say

"Yeah, but who cares I need to make sure you get there safely, George can't go because he's still sleeping so it's just you and me." He said. Aweee he's so freaking sweat! And adorable and kind and again with these thoughts!

I get up off the warm couch, and before I can steady myself I almost fall sideways but Fred manages to catch me.

"Thank you, I guess I'm not fully awake." I laugh

"I guess not." He Said with another laugh. Don't you just love Fred Weasley's laugh it's so pure and adorable and his smile is perfect. Oh. My. God. Stop. With. The. Thoughts!

He put his arm around me so that I wouldn't fall again, it was nice, we walked out of the Gryffindor Common Room and saw a lot of people quickly going back to there dorms before curfew.

"It takes awhile to get to there, uh I mean your common room." He said while looking down a me. I never really noticed the height difference between us until now, he's like a foot taller than me, it's quite cute. You know what I can't stop these annoying thoughts I'll let them out at the common room when he's left.

"Why are you so tall?" I asked

"Because when I date a girl it's meant to be cute apparently." He laughed. I just smiled.

"Well here we are madam!" Fred said still laughing.

"Thank you." I say and give him a hug "I'm going to miss in the next 8 or so hours." I laugh

"Me too, well I should go before-"

"Mr. Weasley to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you out of bed after curfew." Said a teacher with pitch black greasy hair and a huge nose.

"I was bringing back Bianca." Answered Fred

"I'll allow you to bring her back before 9 but if I see you show up with miss Clove after 9 ever again I personally will give you your punishment." Said the teacher

"Okay, well bye Bianca" Fred said with a smile.

"Bye." I say to him.

"As you may or may not know I am Slytherins head teacher, I am professor Snape and I don't want you coming back late again."

I nodded and walked into the Slytherin common room. Of course the first person I see is none other than Draco Malfoy. Great. Fun. Kill me now.

"Bianca, the new Slytherin." Said Malfoy

"Malfoy the known ferret." I say back

"Whatever." He answered back

"You and your pureblood supremacy." I muttered to myself.

"What was that?" He asked clearly knowing what I said.

"You know exactly was I said." I say.

"Well your the one hanging out with that filthy little mudblood granger."

"Shut it Malfoy." I say to him

"And those traitors, there's a reason they have no money." Malfoy laughed. I pulled out my wand and brought it to his neck.

"You don't no any spells this is your first year, in not scared of you." Said Draco with fear in his eyes

"Diminuendo!" I say sand Malfoy starts to shrink, smaller and smaller unit I pick him up and place him in the palm of my hand.

"Scared of me now?" I ask with a smile.

"Fine Okay,  just turn me back!" He said with fright.

I did the counter curse and went straight to bed but I pet star before I fell asleep.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now