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Hi guys as you may know in the first chapter I switch from 1st person to 3rd person and yes it is meant to be like that Xx enjoy the story :)

"Both of you grab one of my hands each  and use the other to hold luggage we will be appariting to the burrow." Said Dumbledore once we got outside.

I placed my hand on his old frail one and we spun around in the air very fast and I felt sick in the stomach. One second ago we where in a very nice kept street and now we are at a very interesting looking house with many interesting curves. That was surrounded by what looked like a farm.

"Follow me."  The elderly man said to Nellie and I.

We walked up to a rusty old door at and dumbledore gave it a knock. The door swung open and a pair of identical red haired twins appeared.

"'Ello, oh Dumbledore what are you doing here?" Asked one

"Oh look at these fine lovely ladies we have here, what are you guys doing here at the burrow." Said the other

"Fred, George please go get you mother for me please." Said dumbledore.

"'Right'o then." The both said in idiom and walked away with faint yelling on 'mum' calls in the background.

"Oh Dumbledore dear how nice to see you and, oh who are these girls?" Said the woman who walked over to the door. She had ginger hair like the boys and gave stern but motherly look. Dumbledore leaned over and whispered something into the ladies ear.

"Oh" she answered.

"Also one last request, if either of them end up in Slytherin still treat them as your own." He said and vanished.

"Hello dearies my name is Mrs Weasley but you can call me Molly, I guess you have met Fred and George but I'll get them and the whole family down to make sure you get to know them. KIDS,  AUTHUR COME DOQN AND MEET THE GIRLS THAT WILL BE STAYING US FOR A FEW YEARS!" Molly yelled up stairs and suddenly many footsteps came running down the stairs. A ginger head Man, Girl, guy and the twins I saw before all rushed down the stairs.

"This is Authur." Molly said pointing to the man, he must be the husband.

"This is Ginny and Ron." She said potions the guy and girl. "And you've obviously met Fred and George." Molly said.

"Weasley's these twins are Bianca and Nellie." Molly introduced us.

"Now girls there are a few beds left in the house one of you can stay in Fred and George's room and the other can stay in Ginny's room."

"I'll take Ginny's." said Nellie straight away.

"Looks like I'm taking the twins room." I say

"Okay good, now Fred and George move Bianca's stuff into your room and Ron move nellies into Ginny's."

They all nodded.

"Also don't forget lunch is in an hour."

"Yes mum!" They all said back.

I followed the Ginger headed twins up the stairs and into a small lop sided room with three beds the one on the right had a G on it, the one in the middle was plain white and the one on the left had an F on it. I about to sit down when the twins started yelling at me.


"Why what's wrong?" I say startled.

"We kind of been hiding our pukeing pastels, nosebleed neugarts and exploding farts there." Said George with a week smile.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now