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I reach the Tornament tent and go inside with Nellie.

I did down on a small couch next to Cedric and start having a talk with him.

"Psst." Said a voice from outside the tent. "Harry is that you?" Asked the voice.

"No it's Bianca." I say back, the person suddenly enters the tent.

"What's wrong Hermione?" I asked as she was the one who entered.

"Are you alright, how are you feeling." She asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." I say back

"Hermione?" Asked Harry as he walked over to us, Hermione gave Harry a huge hug and ten a blinding light went on.

"Young love! How......Stirring" Said Rita skeeter.

"You have no buisness here, this tent is for champions and friends." Said Krum.

"No matter we've got what we wanted." She said.

"Good day champions." Said dumbledore as he entered the tent.
"Gather around please." He said and we all went into a circle "you've waited, you've wondered and now at last the moment has arrived, the moment only the six of you can fully appreciate, and ah- what are you doing here miss granger." Dumbledore said as he say Hermione.

"Erm, Sorry I'll just go." She Said leaving the tent.

"Barty the bag." Said dumbledore And Barty Crouch stepped up

"Champions, Get in a circle around me." And we all moved "Now, Miss Delacour is you will." Said Barty as he held the bag open for her, Fleur put her hand in the bag and pulled out a small green dragon. "The welsh green." Said Barty "Mr Krum." And Krum did the same thing "the Chinese fire ball." Added barty. "Mr Diggory, the Swedish short snout." And then it was my turn "Miss Clove He Said looking at me, I put my hand in the bag and pulled out a dragon "the Ukrainian Iornbelly." He Said And went over to Nellie "Miss Clove your turn, the Hebridean Black." He Said as Nellie pulled out hers and went over to Harry, "which leaves the Hungarian Horntail." Barty put away the bag and started to speak again. "These represent six very real Dragons, each of which has been give a golden egg to protect, your objective is simple, collect the egg, This you must, for each egg contains a clue, without which you cannot hope to continue onto the next task, any question?" He asked and everyone shook there head.

"Very well, at the sound of the cannon Mr Diggory you may begin." Said dumbledore as the cannon shot, Cedric looked at me and I mouthed good luck. After, Cedric, Krum and Fleur had successfuly finished the task it was my turn. The canon shot and I went into the ring. At first I saw nothing except for rocks an I heard loud screams of ecsitement from the crowed and the loudest people cheering was Fred and George. I looked over to them and smiled. I started walking up the rocks with my wand in hand. Suddenly a giant dragon stopped in front of me, I hid behind a huge rock before it shot out fire. I got up and ran under the dragon I saw the egg, it was on the other side of the ring.

The dragon hit me with its tail and I went flying, I looked at the bleeding open cut on my forearm. I kept running but kept being pushed back every time I tried earning many deep cuts on my face arms and legs. I pointed my wand at the dragon.

"Diminuendo!" I yell and a bolt of light shot out of my wand and hit the dragon, it shrunk to the size of a German Shepard. It flew over to me and before it got to me I used another spell.

"Confudo!" I yell and confuse the dragon. I grabbed the egg and the crowed cheered.

I heard Fred and George yell louder than ever.

"Yeah! That our Bianca! Woohoo!" Yelled Fred from the stands

"We knew you could do it!!" Yelled George.

I walked off the ring and into the health ward next to it, I must have hit my head We I got pushed back because I fainted.

"She's waking up!" Said Fred. I knew it was him because of his voice, I opened my eyes and saw Fred, George, Cedric, Nellie, Fleur, Krum and Harry all standing around me. It looked like I was on a bed.

"You fainted half an hour ago." Said George.

"You won the first task!" Said Fleur.

"Harry came second, I came third, Krum came forth, Cedric came fifth and Fleur came sixth." Said Nellie I looked at all of them a few had burn marks but they all had cuts. I felt pain coming from my legs, arms and face. I looked at the big gash in my arm and saw it was all stitched up and so was the few scratches on my leg. I felt around my face and I had a cut above my eyebrow that was also stitched up. I tried to get out of the bed but I couldn't I saw in too much pain.

"You got hurt the most though." Said Fred while stroking my head.

"You may need to stay here for a few more hours." Said George.

It was almost night when I finally was able to get out of the bed. I walked with Fred and George back to the castle. I held my golden egg in my arm.

"Do NOT open that thing, Harry opened it in the common room and all there was, was a blood curdleing shreek." Said Fred

"That doesn't help." I say with a sigh.

"It's okay you've got the next task in a month you have time." Said George

"Just promise us that you will figure it out." Said Fred

"I promise." While giving them both a hug. We all walked back to the Gryffindor Common Room and went inside.

"Well done!" Said Hermione.

"Are you okay?" Asked Ron.

"I'm fine, just in a small amount of pain." I say.

"Hi Fred." Said a girl.

"Hey Angelina." Fred said back.

"So do you maybe want to hang out tomorrow? At hogsmead or something." She said twirling her hair.

That little slimy- wait no not jealous, not jealous.

"Ah maybe, I think I might be with George and Bianca." He says.

"But you spend all your time with them, what about me." She said.

I swear if she says one more word I'm going to- NOT JESLOUS!

"I'll think about it." He says and Angelina leaves.

"Finally she's gone." I whisper to myself.

"I heard that." Whispered George. "You like Fred don't you" He Said

"I don't know." I say blushing.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now