The Egg.

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"That was a bad idea!" I yelled, turning the nob to the egg back the other way because it was screaming.

"You think?" George sad trying to help.

Once we finished closing it I sat down next to the egg on a rock.

"Come on you've been trying to figure that egg for an hour, take a break and come swim with me." Said Fred reaching out his arms.

"Fine." I said, frustrated. I walk into the water and swim over to Fred.

"Thanks guys for letting me join in I fell loved." Said George.

"Come on Georgie!" I say and motion him over. Suddenly Fred and George eye each other and start grinning.

"Am I missing someth- NO FRED, PUT ME DOWN." I say as he picks me up and runs deeper into the lake.

"Okay." He said and dropped me in the water.

"Wait! I have an idea!" I say and run over to the egg.

I pick it up and bring it over to the water with us.

"No! Please don't open it!" Moped George.

I place it in the water and open it, Fred an George brace themselves for a loud scream but nothing happens, in fact the inside of the egg looks quite enchanting.

"Wow, That worked." I say astound.

I place my head in the water and hear someone sing.

"Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground, an hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took." Said the voice.

"Guys!" I say bringing my head out of the water and gasping. "It's a riddle of sort."

"Noooooooo!" Wined Fred

"Your kidding." George wined aswell

"What?" I asked

"We are horrible at riddles!" Said Fred as he walked out of the water with my egg.

"I know who is!" I say

"Who?" Asked George as he left the water aswell

"Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground, an hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took. That's what the voice said in the egg, under water." I say to my twin sister.

"Well that's easy, it's mermaids, you'll have to find something that is very dear to you that someone has stolen, and they've hidden it under water." Nellie said.

"How the hell do we stay underwater for an hour without breathing!" I say while slamming the books down on the library table.

"Hey I over heard." Said a voice, it was the boy Neville, I looked over to Nellie and she blushed. "If you want to stay underwater for an hour, you can always use gilly weed." Said Neville.

"You are so amazing Neville, now where do we get it!" I ask him

"We've got some in the underwater garden." He said.
"I knew you and your sister where smart but I didn't know you could finish riddles that quickly." Fred says as I sit on the couch in the gryffindor common room.

"She's the smart one." I say

"I think your incredible." Fred said.

"Well I'm going to leave you love birds alone, I'm going to go ask Katie Bell to the ball." George said with a smirk.

"You go tiger!" I yell.

"Shhhh!" Said George while approaching Katie.

I lay down on Fred and he puts his arm around me.

"She said yes!" Yelled George as he jumped over the couch and onto the pillow.

"Good going tiger!" I say to him.

"Today was a good day." I say with a smile.

"It's always a good day when your around" Said George.

"Anyone want a cookie?" Asked a first year gryffindor girl.

"Yes please!" I say and I pick one off te plate she held. She left and started handing cookies out on the other side of the room.

"She was adorable! She was so tiny." I say to the twins.

"Your weird." George said stuffing his face full of the cookie.

"How the hell did you get cookie icing in your hair!" I say to George.


"Well I'm going to get going, I need to get back to the Slytherin common room." I say

"I'll walk with you" Said Fred as he finished his cookie.

"You know what I realised." Said Fred

"What?" I asked

"George and I haven't played that many pranks and jokes since we've met you." He said.

"Weren't you guys born in April fools?" I asked as we walked through the dungeons.

"Yes! And that's why we are the masters of pranks!" Smirked Fred.

We walked up to the Slytherin common room door and I hugged Fred as he left. I walked in and suddenly saw Draco.

"Your dating a Weasley!?" He yelled.

"Technically we aren't dating, we just like each other but yes." I say.

"Filthy little mudblood." He said

"Your the one that asked me out TWICE today." I say to him.

"Whatever!" Draco said as he stormed away.

I walked upstairs and looked at the window, there was a barn owl that I've never seen before, I look to see who addressed to just in case it's for Astoria but no I was for me. I pick up the note and read it.

Hello Bianca,
One day your going to face a choice between your death or someone else's.

Hold up what? No normal person just writes to you, knows your name and predicts the future for you.

It's probably the twins playing a prank on me. Yeah that's it, there's nothing to freak out about. Nothing at all. I'll just ask the twins about it tomorrow morning at breakfast.

I put on my pj's and was about to go to bed when another owl came to the window. I opened the letter to read inside.

Oh and by the way, your pureblood.

What the hell, these anonymous letters are coming from no where. This has to be a joke. There is no way these can be real, then I look at the bottom right hand corner of the envelope, in small detail was the dark mark.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now