Getting Ready.

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Bianca's Ball Outfit ^^

"So you guys weren't playing a prank on me last night?" I asked.

"No we where to busy stealing a magical rug from Filtch." Said George.

"What did the letters say?" Asked Fred

"One said that I'll have to face a choice on my death or someone else's and the other letter said that I was a pureblood witch." I say.

"That was not us, I don't think anyone would do that, not even Malfoy." Said George.

"What do you think I should do?" I asked them.

"I think you should not dwell on the letters, just go on with the daily life but keep them in your desk draw just in case somthing happens." Said Fred.

"Okay, I'll do that thanks." I say as we enter the great hall for breakfast, I go over to the Slytherin table and eat the food that appeared. After I'm done I go have a meeting with the Triwizard Champions.

"Hello Champions, as you know the Triwizard Tornament's second task starts after the two week holiday. The Yule Ball will be happening next week to conclude the term, with your dates to the Yule Ball you will need to go into the middle of the room and dance before everyone else." Said Dumbledore.

"I still don't have a date." Harry whispered in my ear.

"You need to hurry almost all the good ones are gone." I say

"That's exactly what Fred said." Harry answered.

~one week later~

I straightened my curly hair and slightly re-curled it so that it was in waves, I tied my hair half up half down and braided the up part, I spun it into a bun and my hair for the ball was done. I went and grabbed my makeup bag and put on some light pink lip gloss, I put light blue eye shadow on to match my dress and put a small amount of body glitter on. I do my highlight and go out of the gryffindor girls bathroom.

"Okay, Nellie, Ginny, Hermione who's doing there hair and makeup next? I ask them.

"I'll go!" Said Nellie and she rushed into the bathroom. I get out my jewellery box and see my Safire necklace that my mother gave to me a week before she died. I got my dress out of the bag that I carried over to the gryffindor dorms and I slipped it on. I put on my back high heels and put them on, I also put on the necklace. I was the first one ready. Hermione and Ginny still needed to do there hair.

"You look amazing!" Said Nellie as she came back from putting on her bright green dress that had sliver beaded stars on it.

"You too!" I say to her.

After we all got ready we walked down the stairs into the common room but no one was there.

"Everyone must be already at the Ballroom." Said Hermione.

As we where walking down the hall to the ballroom Draco walked in front of me.

"You, you look amazing." He said.

"Thanks, I think." I say moving away from him and continue walking with the girls.

We walked to the archway but I hid behind the arch so no one could see me. Nellie and Ginny kept walking but Hermione also stayed back.

"It's quite nerve wracking isn't it." Said Hermione.

"Yes it is." I say.

"Well I'm going to leave and go see Victor." She says.

She walked down the stairs and I heard Fred's voice.

"Where's Bianca?" He asked.

"She'll be here soon." She said.

I plucked up the courage and I went down the stairs.

"Oh my god! You look, beautiful!" Said Fred. I also hear many other people.

"She looks like a real life princess."

"She's so pretty!"


I giggled as Fred took my arm we were about to walk into the ballroom but Professor McGonagall stopped me.

"Oh there you are! Mr Weasley, Miss Clove please come with me." She said

We walked over and we joined with the rest of the triwizard champions.

"You look amazing" whispered Cedric in my ear.

"Thank you." I whispered back.

"How are you felling." Asked fred while playing with my hair.

"I'm feeling fine." I say to him, he puts his arms around me and so I hold his arms.

"I'm going to say it again, you look beautiful." Said Fred

"You cleaned up quite well yourself." I said and giggled.

"You should see what Ron is wearing he looks like dumbledore." Said Fred.

"Okay everyone it's time to walk in the hall, remember once the music starts you dance." Said Professor McGonagall.

Fred let go of me and held my hand and so did the rest of the couples. I lined up behind Nellie who was with Neville and Cedric who was with Cho lined up behind me.

The big doors opened and we all walked in. People started to clap and I heard Ron talking.

"Bianca looks amazing." He said to his date. Fred was right he looked horrible in his dress robes.

I laughed to myself then went in my spot where Fred and I where to dance.

Fred put a hand on my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder. The got out free hands and held each others hand. The music started and  Fred and I started dancing, I couldn't not smile.
We went around the room and every few beats he'd lift me up in the air.

"Who knee Fred Weasley was such a good dancer." I say to him

"Stop your making me blush." He Said jokingly as he lifted me up in the air. Other people started to join in and soon after everyone was on there feet dancing.

"I'm staying at hogwarts for Christmas holidays." I say to him as we walk off the dance floor.

"That means I'm staying too." Said Fred

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now