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"Bianca!" Said Nellie who was running towards me.

"Nellie I need to tell you something." I say to her

"I do to, I don't think we are muggle born, we are Pureblood and I know who our mother is." She said

"Who?" I asked.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." She said showing me a news paper from last year that I had seen in the Weasley's house.

Notorious Sirius Black, escaped Azkaban, dementors searching for the murderer, also interrogating his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange who is also in Azkaban to see if she know any information of his where abouts.

I read the news paper and gasped, I looked at the moving photo of Bellatrix Lestrange and it was the lady who was in the vision.

"Fred told me to tell dumbledore about this." I say to her.

"Okay I'll come too." She said and we walked over to the giant eagle.

"Sherbet Lemon." I say and the eagle turns around allowing us to walk up the stairs. Once we reach the top the door opens for us and I see dumbledore sitting on his grand arm chair.

"Professor we need to tell you something."
As we walk down the stairs from dumbledore's office I see Fred and George waiting down the stairs for me, and Neville waiting for Nellie, I walk over to Fred and George and they put there arms around my shoulder so I put my arms around there waist and we start walking. After a little while I realised that they where heading to the Slytherin common room.

"Why are we going down here?" I asked them.

"Because your going to go put on you bathers and we are going swimming in the lake." Said George.

"Okay, I'll be five minutes, just wait here." I say to the twins.

I walking into the common room and see Draco Malfoy approach me.

"Filthy little mudblood!" He spat.

"Actually it may interest you to know ferret, that I am pureblood." I say

"Prove it!" He said back with a smirk.

"I am the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange." I said to him.

He looked shocked and many of the people in the room smiled.

"Your mother is Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the founders of pureblood supremacy." He asked

"Yes." I say slightly disappointed.

"Then I would like to say hello cousin." He said with a smirk.

"Hold the phone." I said

"Whats a phone?" Asked draco

"Your my cousin." I asked

"Exactly." He said.

"Well I need to go, bye." I say and run up the stairs to my dorm and fetch my bathers.

"No!!" I say as Fred drops me into the cold water.

"Why are we swimming! It's winter!" I yell.

"Because I felt like it." Answered Fred.

"So Georgie, how was last night with Katie Bell?" I asked him.

"It was great we danced until 12:30am" he said.

"Lucky." I say and splash him with water.

"Oh no." I say

"What?" Asked fred

"The task is in four days." I say to them.

"It's going to be fine." Fred said and gave me a hug. "Your Bianca bloody Clove, you can do anything." He said

"That's another thing, my last name isn't clove, Nor is it Lestrange, it's something else, and Bellatrix killed my father." I say to them.

"Well a few months ago you didn't even know that magic was real, you'll find out one way or another." Said George.

"Yeah I guess you right." I say to him.
I finally get used to the coldness of the water so I start to swim, fred joins me while George is looking for something in the forest because he said he heard a sound.

"You know it's going to be okay." He Said while moving away a strand from my face an putting it behind my ear.

"Fred you know it's not, people have died in this Tornament many times." I say to him.

"Your Bianca, you know more than most people in my year level." He said.

"I mean I do but that's because it easy." I say with a laugh. "I want to go back to the gryffindor common room." I say to Fred, he nodded and we walked out of the water.

"Bianca!" Said Cedric as he ran up to me in Fred, George's and I's way to the common room.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I figured the clue out, let's just say that you need to put it underwater." He Said

"Cedric, I worked it out weeks ago." I say to him

"Oh, Wow, how come you didn't tell me?" He asked

"Because a lot has happened and I've been really busy." I say to him

"Okay I understand, well I'll see you soon." He says with a smile.

He walks away and Fred, George and I walk into the Gryffindor common room. We sit on the couch we usually sit and I start reading another book from the library.

"What are you reading?" Asked fred while playing with my hair.

"It's about different types of witches and wizards." I say to him.

"What part are you reading now?" Asked fred.

"I'm reading about these things called doppelgängers, they come ever 150 years or so and they have special properties, like they have blood that can heal anyone and if someone is at the brink of death there blood can revive them, they are also one of the most powerful wizards and witches ever know, so far there are six know doppelgängers, there is one doppelgänger that's a male Siamese twin, a man, two women, and a pair of normal female twins." I say

"Maybe that's us Georgie!" Said Fred.

"Your not female." I say and laugh to them

"We could be." Said George.

"Uh huh." I say.

After a few hours of talking I end up falling asleep on Fred. I have another dream.

"Andromeda, I'm sorry." Said a man.

"That was my sister!" Yelled the lady who must me Andromeda. "You cheated on me with my sister!" Said the lady.

"I didn't know what was happening, I was drunk sweetheart." Said the man.

"Ted, I don't want to ever see you again." Said Andromeda.

I woke up and I saw Fred was asleep too, that was a weird dream.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now