Second Task.

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"George where is Fred?" I asked him as I walked with him.

"I don't know, I've been really worried, he'd been gone since you left for the library to tell Harry about gilly weed." He said. "Have you got yours?" Asked george.

"Yeah, Neville gave me and Nellie the gilly weed a few days ago, I also got extra and gave it to Harry last night." I say to him.

"Well let's hope he comes before the second task." Said George

"Yeah, it's only in a few hours, I'm scared." I say to him

"Bianca! I know what we have to find." Said Nellie as she ran to me.

"What?" I asked

"You know how Fred's missing, Neville is missing too, and so is Cho, and Hermione and Ron and Fleur's sister. We need to find them before and hour." She says with a very worried face

"They are sacrificing them!" I say, this is bad very bad.

"Let's go to the boats so we can board them to the stands." Said George and we walk over to the boats, I had my gilly weed in hand. I hopped onto a boat with George and we started rowing, after about half an hour of crossing the black lake we finally reached the stands, George and I went onto the middle one and shortly after Hermione, Nellie and Ginny came.

"Are you ready?" I asked Nellie.

"Yeah, you?" She asked

"Nope." I say.

"At the sound of the canon my may start." Said dumbledore. I put the gilly weed in my mouth and it tasted horrible, after A few seconds it felt like I couldn't breath. The canon sounded and I fell into the water. I was in pain because my skin was tarring itself apart forming gills and my feet turned into flipper, my hands where webbed and I was able to breath under water. I swam and swam, I saw Nellie a few times but got lost in the long green mucky seaweed. I heard a scream it sounded like Fleur. I looked to my left and saw a startled Cedric swimming quickly towards me, I looked behind him and saw many little creatures attempting to hurt him. I pointed my wand at the creatures.

"Stuplify!" I say. I swim and end up loosing Cedric.

"Come seek us where our voices sound." I heard something sing. I swam over I the voice and saw people underwater all lined up looking like they've been petrified. I saw Fred's body he didn't move, the only thing that moved was the small bubbles leaving his mouth.

"It's okay Freddie I'm going to get you out." I say knowing that he won't answer. I point my wand at the seaweed that tied him up and shot a few bolts of light at the seaweed and grabbed a hold of Fred, I see Cedric and Harry coming and Cedric unties Cho. How the hell am I supposed to carry a guy that's over six feet up to the surface. I could feel my gills tightening slightly and that's when I know that I don't have much time, I swim up to the surface with Fred but because of his weight Cedric won, as Fred and I'd heads reach the air he becomes un petrified and we swim over to the stand. As we get there George had two towels, he gives them to Fred and he raps one around me, Fred takes one for himself.

"Are you okay? How long have you been down there for?" I asked him.

"I'm fine, what to your neck?."He asked staring at the deep cuts that used to be my gills.

"I ate gilly weed so I could breath under there for an hour, This is the end result." I say with a laugh. I look over to the water and see Nellie swimming up with Neville, she goes the the stand on the left so o couldn't talk to her.

"We should get that stitched up." Fred said still worrying about me.

"Maybe later, I want to see who comes up next." I look over to the water an Krum comes out, then shortly after so does Harry. Harry had Ron and Fleur's younger sister.

"After much debate with the judges, we have awarded Cedric Diggory first place, Harry Potter will be placed in second because of his efforts to save not only his own task but another's, Bianca Clove will be placed third, Nellie Clove fourth, Victor Krum fifth and Fleur last." Said dumbledore.

"Come on Bianca let's get you stitched up." Said George.

"Okay." I say reluctantly and we get in the boats and set off for the castle.

"There we go miss Clove, all done." Said Madam Pomfrey as she puts in the last stitch.

"Thank you." I say hopping off the bed.

"Where do you want to go now?" Asked Fred.

"Gryffindor common room, I need to tell you something about the night after the ball." I say to them. We walk to the gryffindor tower and enter the common room.

"What's wrong?" Asked george.

"The night after the Ball I had a dream, or another flag back, vision thing, there was this woman call Andromeda, she was arguing with her husband Ted about him cheating on her with his sister or something." I say to them and there faces automatically go pale.

"What did I say?" I asked the twins.

"Andromeda is Bellatrix's sister, that man was Ted Tonks, your name is Bianca Tonks, and you sisters name is Nellie Tonks." Said Fred.

"I need to find out more about my family, I'll go to Nellie first then we can all go and look up Ted Tonks." I say to them.

"I don't think we will find anything at the library but we can always ask dad to go and look at the wizard files in the Ministry Of Magic." Said George.

"Okay well let's find Nellie, we will tell her then dumbledore." I say

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now