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"I can't do this." I said while inside the Champions tent.

"You will be okay." Said Cedric.

"Nothing is going to happen." Said Nellie. "Just think of it like one of the mazes that we used to go in as kids." She said.

"Nellie you know just as well as I do, this is nothing like that." I say.

"Okay Champions it's time." Announced dumbledore. We all followed the elderly Professor to the maze we went under the stadium chairs and Cedric went out first. The crowd cheered and I went out next. After me Harry entered then Nellie, Krum and finally Fleur.

"Silence." Said dumbledore and the crowd went silent. "Earlier today professor moody hid the cup deep within the maze, only he know it's exact position, as mister Diggory-" the crowd started to cheer "Bianca Tonks and mr potter have all tied for first position they will be first to enter the maze followed by Mr Krum, Nellie Tonks and Miss delicoure, first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" The cowed yelled but I heard two distinct voices screaming

"GO BIANCA AND NELLIE! YOU CAN DO THIS!" Obviously the voices came from none other than the Weasley twins.

"I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter for at any point a contestant wishes to withdraw from the task, he or she need only to send up red sparks with their wands, contestants" he got off his stand and walked over to us.

"Gather round." Suddenly dumbledore's voice dropped to almost a growl "in the maze you will find no dragons or creatures of the deep, instead you'll face something even more challenging. You see people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you can but be very weary, you could just loose yourselves along the way." Dumbledore walked off and went nearer to the crowd.

I was trying most scared I have ever been. And Cedric noticed.

"Hey, it's okay." He gave me a hug. "If anything happens, I'll come find you." He said as he let go. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and went over to the opening where he starts.

"Me too, if anything happens I'll come find you." Said Nellie.

"Thanks sis." I say

"Champion prepare yourselves, on the count of three one-" and the canon sounded before dumbledore could finish. I took one last look of Nellie, Cedric and the twins then I entered the maze. Once I stepped a few meters in the maze closed and all the sound from the crowd vanished, all I could hear was my feet walking slowly and carefully on the grass. I kept walking inside the maze with my wand at the ready. I walked for what seemed like a mile, turning corners but only finding walls made out of bush I kept walking and suddenly saw a flash of yellow.

"Cedric?" I yelled "Cedric is that you?" I asked. But nothing. It must have been my mind playing tricks on me. After about an hour I was beginning to grow tired. I then saw a red spark fly into the sky. "Oh no!" I run towards the spark, hoping to god that it wasn't Nellie or Ced. I kept running towards the spark and got there just in time to see who it was. Fleur. She was being pulled inside the bushes by alive vines. What do these people think they are doing. Are they trying to kill off young school kids. I kept walking making sure that this doesn't happen to me. Gust of wind started coming they where so strong. The maze was closing in on itself and demolishing everything in its path. So as a normal person would do. I ran, faster than ever. I kept running and then I saw it. Krum was on the ground and Harry was holding Cedric back from hurting Krum. I saw the bright blue glowing cup, a few hundred meters away from them. I bolted and so did Cedric and Harry, I knew they where going to get there first because I was way to far behind to catch up to me. Harry and Cedric where pulling each others shirts, trying to stop the other from getting there before they did. Vines started coming out from the ground trying to rap themselves on our legs. Suddenly Cedric's leg got caught on a vine and it started to try and drag him in. I was still far behind and wouldn't have caught up to him in time, Harry kept running because he didn't realise but stopped halfway between the cup and halfway between Cedric. He looked like he was questioning weather to save him or get to the cup.

"Save him!" I yelled out to Harry.

"Harry!" Yelled Cedric as a vine rapped around his neck

"Save him!" I yelled louder.

Reluctantly Harry went over to Cedric
"Reducto!" Yelled Harry, the vines stopped wrapping themselves around Cedric and let him go. I finally caught up to them and help Cedric up.

"Thanks." He said to both of us.

"No problem." Harry answered.

"You know, for a moment there I thought you where going to let it get me." Said Cedric.

"For a moment so did I." Answered Harry.

"I would of helped, I was too far away." I said to Cedric.

"Some game." Said Cedric

"Some game." I answered.

The bushes started to close in again and so we all ran towards the cup, not competing, just running to survive. I looked up to the sky while I was running and saw more red sparks. We reached the cup but the bushes wouldn't stop. 

"Go on you take it, you saved me." Said Cedric.

"No, we all take it on three, One, two, three!" I yelled and all three of us grabbed a hold of the cup. We started to spin around and went into the air, we let go and fell to the ground but we weren't in Hogwarts anymore, we where in a graveyard.

"It's a porkey!" Said Cedric

"What?" I asked

"The cup, it's a porkey." Said Cedric.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now