I'm a What?.

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"Where are we?" Asked Cedric.

"I've been here before." Said Harry

"You have?" I asked

"Yeah I've been here before, in a dream." Said Harry.

"A dream or a nightmare?" I asked. I walked over to Harry who was looking at a grave yard that read, Tom Riddle.

"Cedric, Bianca, we have to get back to the cup." Said Harry.

"Harry your scaring me." I said

"We have to get back to the cup, Now!" Said Harry urgently.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Cedric.

Then a weird fat man who looked like he hadn't showered in years came out from a hut, he was holding something in a cloth. Harry started screaming really loud, it was like someone was stabbing him in his scar. He looked like he was in so much agony. A cauldron That was near the screaming Harry lit fire.

"Harry what's happening?" I asked

"Get back to the cup!" Yelled Harry.

The weird man came closer and I could see what was under the cloak. It was an alive head, but I could see no body. Cedric and I took out our wands and pointed it at the man.

"Who are you and what do you want!" Asked cedric

"Kill the spears." Said the head

"Avadk-" the man was starting a spell but the head stopped him

"Wait, only the boy, the girl she's Lestrange's daughter." Said the head

"Yes my lord." Said the man

I jumped in front of Cedric.

"Move girl." Said the man

"No!" I yelled.

"Crusio!" Yelled the man and a bolt of light came out of his wand. Suddenly it felt like knives where shooting through my body and I fell to the ground. I was screaming the loudest I've ever had, it felt like I was dying but staying alive to feel all the pain.

"Stop!" Yelled Cedric. "Whatever you doing stop!" He yelled

"Avardakedavra!" Yelled the man, green light came out of the wand and Cedric was shot into the air, he spun around and finally landed. The pain stopped. The man lifted Harry into the air and onto the grave harry was looking at before, the grave closed itself around Harry so he couldn't run. I could finally move so I ran over to Cedric.

"Cedric, Cedric wake up." I cried. "Come on Cedric, this isn't funny, wake up" I cried more and more "please!"

"Colloshoo." Said then man and my feet stuck to the floor I couldn't move at all.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

The weird man stood over the cauldron and suddenly water appeared inside of it, it's started to boil. The man dropped the head into the boiling water and the liquid went a horrible pink. He then pointed his wand at the grave.

"The bone of the father unwillingly given." Said the man and took a bone from the grave "flesh of the servant, willingly given." The man sliced off his and and you could see his flesh still attempting to stay attached. This guy still not giving up walked over to Harry "the blood of the enemy forcefully taken." Said the man and cut open Harry's sleeve and cut his arm forcing blood to go on the dagger the man was holding and dripped the blood into the cauldron with the rest of the human parts.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now