Finding my dress.

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Bianca's dress ^

"Can I come!" Asked George.

"No because your going to tell Fred what dress I'm wearing." I say.

"I promise I won't!" He says

"Nope, Ginny, Hermione are you ready?"

"Yes!" They said, Hermione, Ginny and I all walked down to the hogsmead clothing shop. As we entered the store an elderly woman came to us.

"Hello dearies, What are you shopping for?" She asked.

"We are shopping for ball dresses." Said Ginny to the elderly shopkeeper.

"Ah as most hogwarts girls are, just give me a second." Said the woman as she pulled out her wand. She gave it a small flick and all the bare clothing racks suddenly where filled with many ball gowns.

"Wow" I say.

I walk over to a rack that has a pink beaded dress.

"This is pretty." I say and grab it. I hold onto it at look at a few more. I see Ginny deciding between a green and pink dress and a blue and yellow one. I look over at Hermione that had a pink dress with many ruffles and that's when I see it. The most beautiful dress it was a dark blue that ombréd into a light blue there was start shaped beads on the sides of the torso and at the back was straps.

"This is the one!" I say to the girls. I go into the change rooms and slip the dress on. I walk out to show the girls.

"Oh my god, you look beautiful!" Gasped Ginny.

"Yeah you look like a princess." Said a voice from the door.

"Georgie! You followed us!" I Yelled

"Well I'm sorry, Fred was in detention so I had nothing to do." He says.

"Just please don't tell Fred." I say to him.

"I won't, I promise, when are you girls finished because I need more Biancaness in my life." He Said with a goofy smirk.

"As I said last time, Biancaness is not a word!" I laughed.

"And as and as I said last time, it is now!" He laughed back.

"Well Ginny and Hermione still need to get there dresses so your going to have to wait a little bit longer." I say to him.

"Where's Nellie?" He asked.

"She was having a date with Neville." I Said.

"Wait, she likes Neville?!" Asked george.

"Yeah, ever since the train ride." I say back.

"I think I'll wear this one!" Said Hermione. She showed us a pink dress with frills coming down from the waist.

"Okay I'll get changed and then you can have the dressing room." I say to her. I go back to the change room and slip off the beautiful dress. I put my clothes back on and leave the room.

"Hermione, your turn." I say.

She goes into the change room and puts the dress on.

"That looks stunning!" I say.

"Thank you."

"I'm going to buy this one!" Said Ginny and she finally decided on the green and pink one.

After Ginny and Hermione and I bought the dresses I went of with George to the Slytherin common room so I can put my dress away.

"Whats a Weasley doing in the dungeons!" Yelled Malfoy.

"Shut up you git I say and push past him, he's been extra annoying because I've been second best in all the classes with because obviously Hermione's first and Malfoy is third.

"What ever Clove." Said Draco. I walk into the common room as George waits outside as I go up to the dorm. I hang my dress in the closet and leave.

"Okay I'm done, when does Freddie get out of detention?" I ask.

"In an hour." He says as we walk out of the dungeons.

"Oh okay, so what are you going to do now?" I say.

"Let's go to the Gryffindor Common Room and wait for Fred." Said George.

"Okay that's sounds like a plan." I say back. After about ten minutes my feet get tired so I hop onto George's back.

"Giddy up horsy!" I say.

"Why do you always do this!" He wined.

"Suck it up princess." I say.

"Oh no!" Said George.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask

"We have class tomorrow!" He Yelled.

"Yes!" I say

"What do you mean yes! Class is horrible!" Said George.

"I know but I get to piss off Malfoy." I say with a wicked smirk.

We walk into the common room and sit down on the couch we always sit on, I look over to the corner of the room and I see Nellie talking to Neville, they are so cute!

"So how's the golden egg going?" Asked george.

"It's weird, I opened it outside once and your right, it screamed so loudly that it hurt my ears."

"The clues are meant to test you, they test you so much that it's almost torcher." He said. "Are you sure you okay with all this stuff happening." He asked

"Yeah, it's just not how I imagined my first year at a magical school to be like." I say with a laugh. Although on the inside I'm dreading it, people have died in this Tornament and I don't want to be one of them.

"Fred your back!" Said George.

I looked over at the door and he was walking in.

"Hey Freddie!" I say as I got of the couch and hugged him.

"Hello." He Said with a smile. "Did ya miss me." He asked George and I.

"Yes!" I say.

Fred came and sat next to me and George was on the other side. I got tired so I started leaning agains Fred. These guys are my best friends. They are amazing.

"Are you going to sleep?" Asked Fred quietly.

"No I'm just resting." I say to him.

"Okay." He says stroking my head.

"How about tomorrow after classes we can go back to the hidden lake and go for a swim and try to figure out the egg." Said Fred.

"Sounds like a great idea." I say to him.

"Come on, it's time to for dinner in the great hall." Said George.$

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now