The Goblet.

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"So this year there will be three contests pulled from the goblet one from each school, you will have until next week to put you name in the goblet of fire, good luck. Now time for breakfast!" Said dumbledore.

I sat down at the Slytherin table I sat on the wall side so that I could see my friends that where in Gryffindor. I look across and se Fred a George waving so I wave back.

"Why are you waving at the Weasley's they are scum." Said the girl nexts to me. "My name is pansy parkerson by the way." She said and gave out her hand for me to shake but I didn't shake it.

"Pansy that's my spot at the table." Growled a voice from behind me I looked over my shoulder and saw Draco Malfoy.

"Sorry Draco." She said and moved aside so Draco could sit next to me.

"Bianca" Said Draco


"I want you to teach me how you learnt magic that quick." He said seriously.

"Okay 1. I just said words and 2. Even if there was some type of way I could learn fastest I still wouldn't tell you." I say to him

"Why not?" He asked

"Because your a git." I say, I stood up from the table and walk out of the great hall, little did I know Fred and George where following close behind.

"We have an idea." Said Fred.

"What is it?" I ask

"We've come up with a spell." Said George

"That can let you talk to us when your in the Slytherin common room." Said Fred

"It's kind of like telepathy." Finished George.

"Okay cool! That will be good because I have a feeling I won't have many friends in Slytherin." I say with a frown.

"What class do you have first?" Fred asked.

"I have potions." I say with a smile.

"Poor you." Said Fred


"Because you have Snape." George answered.

"Filthy little mudblood!" Yelled a voice but it wasn't towards me, I turn around and see Hermione looking angry staring at Draco.

"Shove of Malfoy!" Said Ron.

I walked over "Draco! Don't you dare ever call Hermione that again you are foul, evil and you have the most horrible personality I've ever seen! Now if you don't leave I may do something worse than I did last night!" I yelled and he ran away in fear.

"What did you do last night?" Asked Fred

"I shrunk him to the size of a toothpick." I say with a proud smile.

"That would have been so funny to watch!" Said Ron.

"Well come on Bianca we have two hours till class and it's still Summer so let's put our bathers on and go swimming in the lake." Said Fred and sagged me off to the Slytherin common room.

"Get changed and we'll meet you back at the great hall." Said George.

I went into my dorm and said hi to Astoria, she occupied the bed next to me, she seemed like one of the only people in Slytherin who where kind. I got out my black bathers and a dark blue top and some denim shorts, I put them all on and walked to the great hall, Fred and George didn't seem to be there yet so I waited, I saw My twin sister Nellie and walked up to her.

"Hey Nellie!" I go up to her and give her a hug.

"Hello, hows Slytherin?" She asked

"It's horrible the people there are disgusting! How's ravenclaw?" I asked her

"It's amazing almost everyone there understands my love for books and all thing about learning and art." She answered. "This is Luna Lovegood, she's one of my friends."

"Hey Luna." I say to the girl with very long blonde she just waved and Nellie and Luna left after a bit on convocation.

"Are you read?" Asked a voice that came from one of the stair cases. It was Fred and George.

"Yes! Let's go!" I say and link arms with both of them. We walk down a path way and pass a weird looking hut we keep walking until we reach a clear water lake that looked beautiful.

"Not many people know about this spot." Said Fred.

"So don't tell anyone." George continued.

"Okay sure." I say

"Well are you coming in?" Fred asked as he took of his shirt, he already had is board shorts on and wow! My eyes are being blessed. I stood there for a little bit then snapped back into reality I took my shorts and top of that revealed my bathers George took his top off as well but unlike Fred, George had a huge scar on his stomach.

" what happened there?" I asked as I pointed to George's scar.

"I may have pushed him off a bridge with we where five." Fred admits while blushing.

"Ouch." I say as I step into the water, it's cold but not a freezing cold it's like a cold that cools you down.

I walk over to Fred who is already so deep that the water is up to his neck, I couldn't touch the bottom because of how tall Fred was and how short I was.

"Do you want me to go shallower?" He asked when he saw me struggling.

"Yes please." I swim over to George who's just gotten in the water he is up to his waist in water and so I sit down on the lake bed making sure my head stays above sea level. "This is nice, thanks for bringing me here." I say to them

"Anything for our Bianca." George Said with a smile. I like the sound of that!

"Oh no! Class starts in 20 minutes!" Yelled Fred as he ran out of the water.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now