To The Lake.

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"Good Morning class." Said Professor Snape. "Today we are going to be brewing the blemish blitzer, which by the looks of things some of you need. After brewing you may put it in a vile and take it back to your dormitories." He said "you will find the ingredients and instructions on page 38." Said Snape.

I got out my book and went over on my cauldron.

"I'll make a proposition with you." Said Malfoy as he laid his books next to the cauldron next to mine. "If you go to the Yule ball with me I won't make your life at hogwarts hell, instead I will help you because Slytherins help other Slytherins." He said.

"Torcher me all you want Malfoy, I will never go to the ball with you." I say

I looked back at my book and read the ingredients.

-blood of a mandrake
-Phoenix tear
-dragon scale
-gilly weed
-hawks eye

I grab the ingredients I change the method up a small bit as then I'm finally done.

"Professor, I've finished." I say to him.

"I see, as we have still one period of potions and you've completed the potion correctly you have nothing else to do, have the period off, but first clean up." Said Snape.


After I clean up I exit the room and go down to the transfiguration class that the twins are in, I wait outside the door and suddenly I hear yelling.

"MR WEASLEY! Don't you dare put a puking pastel in that goblet! Go to dumbledore's office now!" Said angry voice that belonged to Professor McGonagall. I waited a few minutes and saw Fred come out.

"What is Miss Clove doing out of class?" Fred asked as he left the room.

"I've got a free period because o finished my potion way before I was meant to." I say.

"What did me and Georgie do to deserve the smartest and kindest witch as our best friend?" Fred asked

"Ah but that's where you are wrong my friend, what did I do to deserve you and Georgie, the funniest, stupidest. Sweetest and amazing best friends." I say to him with a smile. We kept walking and Fred put his arm around me a pulled me closer to his side, I put my arm around him as well and we walked like that all the way to dumbledore's office.

"How do you get in." I ask Fred

"Sherbet lemon." Said Fred and the backwards eagle spun around to face us and stairs appeared. "This way." He said with a smirk a started climbing the stairs so I followed him.

"Ah Mr Weasley, I knew I was expecting you soon, oh what are you doing here miss clove?" Dumbledore asked

"I have a free period so I came here with Fred." I say

"Makes sense, now I've got a feeling that what you did involved puking pastels, personally I think it's an amazing invention but as I am headmaster I will have to deduct 15 points from gryffindor for bad behaviour." Said dumbledore

"You both may leave now, enjoy your free period." Said dumbledore.

"What now Freddie?" I asked.

"Do you want to go to the Quiddich pitch?" He asked.

"Yeah sure!" I Said brightly.

"Fred! That hurt!" I say getting is the ground.

"It's not my fault you didn't hit the quaffle!" He laughed as he flew back down to the ground.

"Fred, can you hear that?" I say


"Shhh" I say to him.

I listened and I heard someone yelling but I don't know who it was or what they where saying.

"Yeah I can hear that." He said.

It sounded like the person yelling was on or near the pitch. I looked around and saw a very angry hufflepuff guy on the pitch.

"Cedric, are you alright?" I ask the yelling Cedric.

"I don't want to be in the Tornament! Dumbledore said I can't leave!" He said fuming.

"If I could leave I would" I said.

"Yeah but you don't have friends pressuring you!" He yelled.

I looked at Fred and he just shrugged telling me he has no idea what to do.

"Ced, it's okay no ones going to get hurt." I say to him

"Hello class, today in charms we are going to be studying for next weeks test on simple jinxes." Said Professor McGonagall. "I believe you should all have the homework completed, now you can study in three ways, either come with me on the left side of the room to go through the topic, study with a partner from a different house or study by yourself with your notes and books" she said.

I decided to do my own study.

"Bianca what spell is it for the jinx that causes the target to sing?" Asked Harry Potter who was sitting behind me.

"Cantis." I say to him

"Thank you so much." He says while writing it down.

"I am still very overwhelmed by how amazing you are at the classes, you've been here for less than a semester and missed three years of it all and still are top of the class." Said Ron who was next to Harry.

"I don't know how I do it either it's just easy." I say

"Easy! I can barley pronounce the spells let alone learn them." Said Ron.

"That's because you don't study Ronald" Said Hermione Who day next to me.

"Whatever."  He Said And went back to studying.

"What about that offer from this morning?" Said a voice above me, I looked up from my work and saw Draco hovering over me.

"No draco, I'm not going to the ball with you." I say getting back to my work.

"But it's every Slytherin girls dream to go to the ball with the great Draco Malfoy." He Said smugly

"Apparently not every girl." I say not lifting my head from my work.
"And he asked me to the ball like I would say yes, twice!" I say to the twins as we walk through the forest near the lake.

"Well too bad your already going with Fred." Said George.

"Yeah! It's great!" I say.

"So how are we going to figure out this egg?" Asked fred pointing to the golden egg I was holding.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now