Tornament Names.

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"Welcome one and all today we will be pulling the names out for the Triwizard Tornament!" Boomed Dumbledor. "First up for the Beauxbatons Academy of magic we have...." dumbledor pulled the praise of blue paper out of the goblet "Fleur Delecor!" I look over to the Beauxbatons sears and see a blonde hair girl with a perfect figure come out from the stand. "Well done." Said dumbledor as she came and stood at the front of the hall. "Now for Dumstrang..." dumbledor got the flying piece of paper from the goblet. "Victor Krum!" Dumbledor Yelled "now time for hogwarts...." he picked up the flying piece of paper. "Cedric Diggory!" He congratulated the three students. Dumbledor starte speaking but then the goblet changed colour. Three pieces of paper flew out and landed in dumbledor's hands. I looked over at the teachers table and they all looked shocked except for Professor Moony he made eye contact with me and something seemed suspicious. Dumbledor read out the pieces of paper.

"Harry Potter, Nellie Clove, Bianca Clove." He read out. Hold up WHAT?

"But I didn't put my name in the goblet." I say out loud.

"Neither did I." Said Nellie. Harry just stood there.

"Harry Potter!, Nellie Clove!, Bianca Clove!" Dumbledor Yelled.

I walked out of the stools slowly in shock and so did Nellie and Harry. We took our slips of paper from dumbledor who looked angry.

"HARRY, NELLIE, BIANCA! DID YOU PUT YOUR NAMES IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE OR NOT!?" Yelled dumbledor while pushing Harry into a wall.

"No!" We all answer.

Bursts of teacher come down the stairs yelling and arguing.

"They are cheats"

"They are only 14!"

"They must go!"

"They are young!"

"What will people think!"

"Barty!" Yelled dumbledor "your in charge what should we do?" Dumbledor asked worriedly

"It has been confirmed by the goblet, they must take part in the Triwizard Tornament! From now these three are Triwizard Champians!" Said Barty.

"Did you put your name in the goblet?" Asked Fred quietly in the Gryffindor Common Room.

"No I didn't, I don't like the sound of dying just because there is a Tornament at school." I say quietly looking at the fire.

"I'm sorry." Fred said as he sat down on the couch. I follow him and sit next to him and George sits on the other side of me.

"It's okay." I say as I rest my head on his shoulder.

Fred puts his arm around me and I end up falling asleep. I wake up just before 8:30 and I see that the twins are asleep. I get out of Fred's iron grip and tiptoe our of the Gryffindor Common Room and head for the Slytherin dorms. I bump into Malfoy on the way there.

"How'd you do it?" He asked me

"Do what?"

"Put your name in the goblet and make it take out your name? I know your good at spells but I didn't know you here that good." He Said

"I didn't put my name in that stupid goblet, I don't want certain death I just want to live like a normal witch!" I say and push past him. I run up the stairs to my dorm room and over to my bed.
I start petting star an think about writing a letter to Molly. Without thinking I get out ink paper and a quil and start writing.

Dear Molly,

You may not think highly of me anymore now that I am a Slytherin which is understandable but your one of the only people who I can / could talk to. I promise you I did not put my name in that goblet. I understand if you don't want to send a letter back.


I close the letter and give it to star.

"Bring it to the burrow." I say, star flys off and I head back to the common room. I go sit down on a huge green and silver chair.

"That's my seat." Said Pansy as she walked up to me.

"Not today." I say and open my book.

"Get out of my seat!" She yelled.

"No." I say not lifting my head up from the book. She points he wand at me and begins to say something but I quickly pull mine up from my pocket .

"Stuplify." I say quietly and put my wand back. I do all this without lifting my head from my book. I know, I'm amazing.

After about half an hour of reading I head back up the stairs and head to bed.

"What's wrong?" Asked Fred

"I hate this whole Tornament thing." I mope.

"If anything or anyone hurts you during that thing we will go after them!" Said George while putting his arm around me

"Obviously!"Said Fred putting his arm around me as well.

"It's good that we don't have any classes today" I say, still thinking about this crappy Tornament.

"Weekends are the best." Said Fred.

"Yeah, so what are we doing today?" I asked.

"We are going to hogsmeed." Answered George.

"Okay." I say with a smile.

We walk down to the village and sadly bump into Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkerson.

"Filthy blood Trators!" Yelled Pansy "Bianca, why are you with, THEM?" She said.

"It's called something that you don't have....Friends." I say and try to pull the twins away from them but they are too busy glaring a Malfoy. "Guys come on." I say

"There's a reason that the Weasley's don't get paid much at the ministry." Said Draco. "They are a discrase to the wizard of world." He continued.

"Malfoy shut it." I say "come on guys." I say trying to pull them away.

"Don't you dare talk about my family like that!" Yelled George.

"George come on." I say

"Shut it Mudblood." Said Pansy.

"How did you know?" I say angrily. She points over to Malfoy.

"Don't call her a mudblood!" Yelled Fred.

"Come on." I say finally being able to pull the twins away.

"Next time I see him I'm going to hex him." Fred explained.

"No your not." I say back as we keep walking. We end up walking into the woods and I see and old shack. "Wow, whats that?" I ask the twins

"It's the shreaking shack." George said with a grin.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now