Harry Potter.

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"Hi I'm Harry." Said the tall dark haired man with circle glasses.

"Bianca." I say with a smile and shake his hand.

"Yeah I know Ron has told me all about you and your twin.....Sorry I forgot her name." Said Harry

"My names Nellie." She said with a smile as she shook his hand.

"Oh Harry! You've arrived! I'm sorry dear but we just finished breakfast but I can cook to up something if you want." Said Molly as she walked in and gave Harry a tight welcoming hug.

"That's okay I'm not hungry." Harry said as he walked up te stairs towards Ron's room, I guess he'll be staying there.

"Hey Nellie." I say to my twin "you know, Harry's kinda cute how about you get to know him a little bit." I whisper to her.

"What about you and one of the twins." She says "also how in the world do you tell them apart?" She asked.

"It's so easy, they have different face shapes, slightly different hair styles and totally different personalities." I say.

"Well I'm going to go up to Ginny's room." Said Nellie as she walked up the stairs I followed her but went one floor higher to reach Fred an George's room.

"Hello boys." I say to them as I jump onto my bed.

"So we've been thinking." Said Fred.

"When you've been sorted into griffendor we are going to throw you a massive party." Finished George.

"What if I'm not in griffendor and I end up in Slytherin or something." I say

"Well then we will have to make sure you can come to the common room." Said George

"Then we can throw you a party!" Said Fred.

- The next morning -

"Harry, Harry wake up!" I heard
hermione from upstairs. She just came less then ten minutes ago, she seems like a very kind person.

"Okay everyone it's almost time to leave so get changed." Said Authur Weasley.

After putting on a baggy grey jumper and black shorts I leave the room and head for the front door.

"Is everyone ready?" Asked Authur.

"Yes!" Everyone replied.

"Okay let's go!" Authur Said with excitement.

We walked into the forest and ten minutes later a man about Authur's age come out from behind the tree.

"Amos! Nice to see you again." Said Authur to the man.

"Then suddenly right I in front of me a guy just jumped out of the tree and wow! He is hot! Ginny, Hermione, Nellie and I all looked around to each other.

"He's so hot" I mouthed to Nellie

"I agree." She mouthed back.

"Oh and this must be young Cedric." Said Authur patting the hot guys back.

"He even has a hot name!" Mouthed Nellie to me.

I heard Nellie and Ginny giggle and I know it's obviously about the Cedric guy.

"Hey Bianca." I looked over my shoulder to the source of the voice, it was Hermione.
"Hey 'mione, can I call you that?" I asked

"Yes a lot of people do." She answered.

"Hello good looking young ladies." Said a voice from behind us, obviously it was the twins.

"Fred" I said


"I want a piggy back ride." I say

"No your not getting one becau-" I suddenly jumped onto his back and he held onto my legs so I didn't fall off.

"But I said no!" He wined.

"Too bad." I say "Hermione jump on George's back!" I say with a laugh.

"But I don't want to give her a pigg-" suddenly Hermione jump on his back.

"Why are you killing us?" Asked George.

"Because it fun." I say with a smile.

We walk for a few kilometres more until Arthur wanted to announce something.

"Okay everyone we are here!" Arthur says pointing to a rugged old boot.

"Dad this is a boot not the Quiddich World Cup." Said Ron.

"Okay everyone put you hand on the porkey. Said Arthur as he laid his hand on the boot. I put my hand on the boot and gave Fred and George a questioning look. They shrugged there shoulders telling me that they had no idea what we where doing.

"Kids hold on tight and not let go until I say. Three! Two! One!" Suddenly we where all shot ini the air and where spinning around very fast.

"Okay kids let go!" We all let go and landed on the ground with thump.

"Ouch." I groaned.

I looked up and saw Amos, Cedric and Arthur coming down very delicately.

"Okay kids." Said Arthur as he landed "follow me to the tent and say goodbye to Cedric and Amos."

"See you soon!" We said to Cedric and Amos as they walked away.

"Okay kids, over here is hour tent" Arthur pointed out a small cream coloured tent that looked like it could only fit 2 people 3 at the most. We all stood there, how in the world are we all going to fit?.

"Well come on!" Arthur went inside the tent so I followed, I looked around at the inside was amazing it have at least been ten runs the size as it was outside. There was so many rooms there was three bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a bathroom.

"Okay girls pick your bunk." Said Arthur.

"Get out of the kitchen Ron!" Said Arthur.

"Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron!" The twins said in sync as they put there feet on re table.

"Fred, George feet off the table!" Arthur said.

"Feet o the table!" They yelled back.

"Arthur can I go for a walk?" I asked.

"Sure." He said as he went into his room.

"Who wants you come with me?" I asked.

"I'll come!" Answered Ron

"Okay let's go." Ron and I walked out of the tent and walked down a track.

"Magic is amazing!" I said in awe.

"Yeah it is, have you been reading any of the school books?" He Asked

"Yeah I kind of have to because I'm three years behind most peop- Ouch!" Someone had ran into me.

"Watch where you going!" I Said to the blonde haired boy that pushed me over. He was quite attractive.

"Whatever." Said the boy. "Of course I bump into you Weasley." Scowled the boy.

"Shove off Malfoy." Said Ron

"Hey rich boy I don't give a rats ass about who you are you pushed me over and now your speaking rudely to my friend, say sorry or i swear to Merlin I'll hurt you bad." I say angrily.

"And who are you, are you another one of Weasley's companions like that mudblood granger." Said the blonde boy.

"Don't call her that!" Said Ron.

"My father will hear about this." Said the boy as he walked away.

"Who was that guy?" I asked still angry.

"Draco Malfoy, he's in Slytherin, everyone in Slytherin is horrible." He said.

We walked back to the tent and went inside, that was a horrible walk.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now