Potions, Charms And More.

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"Turn to page 394." Said professor Snape A/n: I had to

I turned the page and the title said 'blood-replenishing potion'

"This potion we will be making today will make you regret coming to this very class, it is difficult and I won't be surprised if no one can create it." Snape said. "You will need to read the instructions very clearly, I will choose your partners, a Slytherin will be with a Gryffindor, Draco with Ron, Pansy with Harry, Bianca with Hermione..." and he read out the rest of the list "no bickering, now get started." I walked over to a bench with Hermione.

I read the ingredients.

•hawks blood
•frogs tongue
•snakes eye
•spider fur
•poison of an apple
•willow water

Okay that sounds gross.

"Professor there are ingredients but no instructions." Said Hermione.

"You will need to figure out how to do it on your own, also you are not sharing the same potion only the same desk, the ingredients are at the front of the classroom." He said.

I got out my cauldron and lit it a flame. I put in the willow water first hoping it's the first step. I put in the hawks blood and the poison of an apple.

"You may not need the hole part of particular ingredients." Snape said while walking across the room.

"Yours looks good so far." Hermione said "it actually looks like the pictures, unlike mine." She said with a frown.

"Yeah." I answered as I put on a chopped up frogs tongue.

I get the spider fur and start sprinkling it in the mixture. Finally I put in half a mashed snakes eye and stir it for three minutes.

"Professor Snape I've finished." I say to him.

He comes over to "obviously I have very low hopes for you in potions as you only started using magic a week ago and- what is this, my office now!" He said and walked away quickly to his office.

"What did I do?" I asked Hermione

"I don't know but you better follow him." She said and I walked out of the classroom.

I followed him and entered his office.

"How in the world are you able to perfect that potion on your first try and also have a lack of knowlage?" He asked

"I made it up." I say to him

"Oh my Merlin! Your, your, and your twin! I need to speak to Albus!" He Said and rusher out of the room. I am so confused.

The bell rang so I went down to the great hall to meet with Fred and George, it was so packed with Hogwarts students, Dumstrang students and beauxbatons students. After about ten minutes of looking a found Fred and George they looked so exited.

"Why are you smiling so much?" I asked them.

"Because we made an ageing potion so we can put our names in the goblet." They say

"Okay let's go." I say to them. Fred and George run out of the great hall and into the small dance hall where the goblet was held.

"Yay!" The Yelled as they ran in.

"We did it!" The twins yelled "Thank you!" They said while highfiveing other students "well lads we've done it!" Said Fred "cooked it up just this morning!" Said George

"It's not going to work." Said Hermione looking up from her book.

"And why is that granger." Asked Fred getting incredibly close to her face, I'm not jealous, totally not. I thought.

"You see this." Hermione pointed to a cloudy looking like around the goblet. "It's an age line, dumbledor drew it himself."

"So." Said Fred getting closer. Not jealous, I'm not jealous!

"So,a genius like dumbledor couldn't possibly be fooled by something so pathetically dimwitted as an ageing potion." She said.

George must have seen the jealousy in my eyes because he looked at me and pulled Hermione closer to him to make sure she didn't get any closer to Fred's face. "And that's why it's so brilliant." Said George still looking at me

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." Fred laughed and stood up with George, they shook the viles of ageing potion and linked there arms.

"Bottoms up." The said in sync. They drank the potion and jumped inside the ring.

"Yes! It worked see granger." Said George.

They put there names in the goblet and waited.

"Yeah!" People cheered. As they where about to leave the goblet changed colour and the fire grew, the age ring shot the out of the area and white hair and wrinkles started to appear on the twins faces. They where ageing too fast.

After the twins and I went to dumbledor's office to undo the potion on the twins we went back to classes, I had charms class.

"Okay students as this is the first charms class for the year I will do a hard spell but if done correct amusement will be rewarded." Said Professor Flitwick "the spell you will be learning is Tarantallegra. Now pick an opponent and get started."

"Your with me." Said a voice from behind me. I turned around and it was Malfoy.

"Why should I?" I asked

"Because if you don't I'll let everyone know that your a muggle born." He whispered into my ear.

I went pale faced, how did he know that I was a muggle born witch?

"How did you know?" I asked

"I heard Potter talking about it." He said "now, your with me." He repeated

"Fine." I say and line up

"Okay you go first." Flitwick said pointing to the side Malfoy was on.

"Tarantallegra!" Malfoy yelled as he pointed his wand at me. Nothing happened "tarantallegra! Tarantallegra! TARANTALLERGA!" He kept yelling but nothing happened. I looked around the room and everyone couldn't get the spell.

"Okay now time for the person on the other side of the room." Said Professor Flitwick.

I pointed my wand at Malfoy. "Tarantallegra." I say and a blue light shoots out of my wand and hits Malfoy his legs start to uncontrollably dance.

"Oh my god! That's so hilarious!" I say laughing at Malfoy.

"Miss Clove." Flitwick says shocked "my office please." He says and walks out of the room. Why does this keep happening. We enter his office and I sit down on one of hus chairs.

"How did you get that spell first try? I've never seen anyone in my many years ever do that spell first try. And, wait! Oh my you, Nellie, your twin oh my! I need to speak to dumbledor!" He says and rushes out of the room. Why does this keep happening?

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now