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Fred and I left the great hall and walked all the way down to the black lake. I laid down on the soft grass and looked at the dark night sky. The only light came from the bright stars and Fred's wand.

"Nox." He whispered and his wand went back to normal. He put his wand in his pocket and laid down next to me.

"I'm not ready." I say

"For what?" He asked

"The task is in two weeks, it's meant to be harder than the last one, I don't know weather I can do it." I say.

"Of course you can, your Bianca Clove! You can do anything." He said and I rested my head on his collarbone.

"Yeah, if you say so." I say gloomily.

"Thank you." He said randomly.

"For what?" I asked him.

"What do you mean for what, I should be thanking you for everything you do! Your amazing and you've changed me and Georgie's life!" He says

"Stop, your acting like this is a romance novel." I say with a laugh and he joins in. I look up at the bright stars and that's when I think about the letters again. Suddenly I started to shake and my eyesight went blurry.

"Bianca, Bianca what's wrong!" I hear Fred say faintly and then everything went black for a few seconds. That's when I had a flashback to a time I can't remember.

I was in a cradle and so was a young baby Nellie right next to me, I looked at the door way and heard a man screaming.

"Your not going to take them!" Yelled the man.

"There mine too you know, Avardakedavra!" Said a high pitched woman's voice, the lady walked it she had insanely curly hair that was pitch black she smiled at Nellie and I and her teeth where crooked and rotten to the core.

"So these are my itty bitty babies." Shreaked the woman with laughter. "My lord these are my offspring Bianca and Nellie, they are the ones you've been looking for."

And that's when I woke up.

"Bianca!" Yelled Fred, he was shaking me trying to wake me up.

"Fred, I'm okay." I say sitting up. "But I had this weird dream type of thing." I say to him.

"We need to get you to the health ward." He Said with worry.

"Fred I'm perfectly fine." I say.

"No your not, you were shaking and mumbling words and I was scared." He said.

"Fred, I'm fine, there was a reason that happened." I say to him.

"What do you mean?" Fred asked

"I had a weird dream or flashback from when I was less then one." I say "and I think the letters where right, Nellie and I are pureblood witches." I say to Fred.

"No way, what happened in the dream?" He asked

"There was a lady, I've seen her before, she was apparently my mother, she killed my father, and she was talking about some type of lord, and how me and Nellie where the ones he'd been looking for." I say

"Oh no." Fred says with a worried face.

"What do you mean oh no." I asked him.

"If that lady really was your mother, she's a dark witch, If any witch of wizard says 'my lord' that's referring to Voldemort." Said Fred.

"You mean, my mother was a death eater, like the ones at the Cup." I say

"Yes, exactly." Fred answers.

"If She is my mother and that man was my father, who where the couple that raised me and Nellie our whole life, and what is my real mother and farthest real name." I say

"I think you should tell dumbledore what you saw." Said Fred

"What! No I'm not telling dumbledore, he'll know he has a death eater's daughter in his school, two death eaters daughters because of Nellie in his school! He'll kick us out." I say

"No he won't, you know Professor Snape, he was a death eater and so was Egor." He Said

"Oh, well fine I'll tell him in the morning, this s way to overwhelming, I need to go to bed, I'm the morning I'll tell Nellie then dumbledore." I say as I stand up. Fred stands up too and we walk in silence to the Slytherin common room.

"I know you want to tell George what happened, you can." I say "Well I'm tired so I'm going to go sleep." I say and hug him.

"Get some rest, it's going to be alright." He said and kissed me on the forehead.

He walked away, and I was so happy, worried, confused, anxious and many more emotions, This was a very eventful night. I walk into the common room and see only one person other than me was there, I blonde haired boy on the couch was curled up asleep. I walk over to the couch to wake Draco up.

"You may want to head to your dorm." I say to him.

"Five more minutes mum." He mumbled.

"I'm not your mum, it's Bianca." I laugh and he shoots away realising his mistake.

"Um well, don't tell anyone about this!" He said and walked up to his dorm.

I walked up the stairs to mine and put my pj's on, obviously I could not sleep and I knew I wouldn't be able to, I just a wanted to get away from people. 

That's when I got another owl I took the letter from it's beak and read what was inside.

My dear, you had a flash back about me not long ago, soon you will know who I am and we can be a family once more, your sister had the same flashback at the same time as you did, I expect she will be telling you all about it tomorrow. Good night my itty bitty baby.

Well that was very vivid wasn't it.  I laid down on my bed and slowly people stared to come into the dorm.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now