Prank Of The Year.

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"Do you have the box?" I asked Fred.

"Of course." He smirked

"George, do your have the troll bogies, slug slime and frogs dung?" I asked.

"Yep!" He grinned.

"Lee, do you have the smoke bombs?" I asked Lee Jordan who was helping us.

"Right here!" He said.

"And I have the robes, let's go!" I say to the boys.

We silently walk into the Slytherin common room. Everyone was asleep and Lee started soaking the robes in the horrible Slime, bogies and dung. We waited behind the curtains for Draco and Lacerta to come down the stairs.


"WHERE ARE MY ROBES! I WILL KILL WHOEVER TOOK THEM!" Yelled Lacerta from the girls dorm. I kept listening and I heard Draco and Lacerta coming down the stairs. Fred and George placed the two drenched robes onto visible chairs in the middle of the common room. We all hid behind the curtains and waited.


"THEY ARE SO SLIMEY!" Yelled Lacerta.

I put up the fingers so that Fred, George and Lee could tell when to let the box of surprises loose. I put my first finger down sowing them to go in two more seconds, then another and-

"GO!" I screamed and I opened the box. Wild Blonde ferrets with collars around there necks with the inscription draco on them started running around the common room biting Draco and Lacerta, they started ripping down Slytherin posters and couches. Fred, George, Lee and I burst out laughing. But the best part hasn't happened yet.
I point my wand at draco and blue sparks come out, suddenly the ferret biting on Draco's finger becomes enlarged and is the size of Draco's whole leg. It starts chasing him around the dorm room and rips off his pants showing his bright pink boxers. The only clothes draco could cover himself with was the slimey, dung and bogey covered robe. Draco saw me holding the box so I ran. Fred, George and Lee followed. We kept running towards the gryffindor common room until...

"Tonks, Weasley's and Jordan, what are you four doing running from the dungeons at 7:30am." Asked Snape looking at us suspiciously.

"We where getting breakfast and Fred, George and Lee where just getting me." I smiled at him.

"Well, remember to study for the antidotes common, uncommon poisons test." Snape said and just walked off.

"That was too close." Said Fred.

We started walking away until I realised something.

"Oh no!" I said

"What?" Asked george

"Snape is heading to the Slytherin common room." I say and just then we heard it.

"TONKS!" Yelled Snape.

"Run!" I yelled to Fred, George and Lee.

We all bolted and ran into the gryffindor common room.

"Where were you guys?" Asked Hermione.

"We where pulling the biggest pra-" Lee was about to say.

"Going for a walk." Said Fred
I bust out laughing and Fred, George and I went on the couch until class started.
"What do you see in the ball my sweat." Said Professor Trelawney.

"I see fog" I say to her

"What's the colour of it?" She asked looking over her big glasses.

"Ah, it's a greyish white." I say, clearly confused.

"Oh my, I see, hmm let me take a look for myself." She crouched over me and place one hand on the crystal ball, she jumped back in fright. "You, stay back after class." She said pointing a finger at me.
As everyone left the divination room I walked up to Trelawney and she sat me down on a wooden stool.

"My dear, you are in danger, do NOT find the cup, for you may find out something and it shall ruin your life."  Trelawney looked scared but I knew it was another one of those weird visions that never happens.

"Ah, sure, Whatever you say." I lied, I was going to find that cup because I knew that it be a one way ticket to freedom.

I packed up my books and went to the great hall for lunch, I didn't see the twins but I did see Cedric.

"Hey Cedric." I say as I sit down next to him.

"Hey Bianca, I saw your sister at the astronomy tower yesterday and well..." he paused

"Well what?" I asked

"She was making out with Neville Longbottom." He said

"Finally!" I say

"So are they like a thing?" He asked

"I hope so." I say.

"BIANCA!" I turned around and saw the yell was from Draco.

"Oh shit." I say and stand up. I look at draco and he's wearing the slimy robe, people started laughing and I couldn't help but let a few giggles let slip.

"You did this!" He yelled

"Well yeah I guess I did." I say.

"I'm going to get you back even if it's the last thing I do!" He yelled. It just made people laugh even harder. "Shut up!" He yelled to the crowd.
"Just three more weeks until the maze." I say to the twins. I was lying down on the gryffindor couch and they where sitting next to me.

"It's going to be fine, both you and Nellie will be fine." Said Fred.

"You never know what could happen." I say to them.
Three weeks later people where still talking about the prank on Draco, but not as much because most people where talking about the last task that was happening tomorrow. I was stressing, Nellie was stressing. Fred and George could only calm me down a little bit. I kept thinking about what Professor Trelawney said but the twins said not to listen to her. Fred and George where giving out bets to people and most think Krum will find the cup. Draco said that I won't last the first ten minutes and Lacerta has been giving me a hard time since the prank. Let's just say that I'm not enjoying hogwarts too much right now.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now