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"Honeydukes!" I yell with joy to George. We walk into the lollie shop.

"I'll have two liquorice wands and two chocolate frogs please." I pay for my candy and give a wand and a chocolate frog to George. "Why did he have to go with that Angelina girl." I say sadly.

"I know! He missing out on amazing Biancaness." Said George while putting his arm around me.

"Biancaness, that's not a real thing." I say

"It is now." George said with a laugh. We go for a walk and enter the forest, we walk down a small path way and reach the fence outside of the shreaking shack.

"Well look what we have here, a mudblood and a Weasley." Said a voice from behind the trees.

"Malfoy go away." I say to him as he walks up with a smirking Crabb and Goyle. "I have no idea how she got into Slytherin." He continues.

"Stop being such a hit Malfoy." Said George.

"Shut it Weasley!" He yelled

"Stuplify!" I yell pointing my wand at Malfoy he get stunned and goes flying in the air.

"Yeah!" Said George while he high fived me. We walked back to the village and entered the three broomsticks, straight away I regret it because I look in and see Angelina locking lips with Fred. I run out of the three broomsticks and George follows.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yes." No

"Come on let's go back to hogwarts." George says and we start walking.

"Hey guys!" Said Fred as he walked into the Gryffindor Common Room with Angelina.

I didn't answer because I was pissed and just laid my head on George's shoulder as he tries to fix the extendable ear that he and Fred have been working on.

"Bianca are you okay?" He says sitting next to me.

"I'm fine." I say.

"Bianca I know when your lying." He says not convinced.

"How was your make out sesh with Angelina." I asked avoiding his question.

"Oh um, good, how did you know?" He asked blushing.

"You know what it's getting late I'm going to go head back to the slytherin common room." Say I hug George as I say goodbye and leave without hugging Fred. I know I'm being horrible but, okay there's no excuse.

"Stupid Angelina, she probably doesn't even like Fred." I mutter.

"You like a Weasley? Well it suits you mudblood." Said Draco Malfoy, he must of heard me.

"Yeah I heard, and I'm going to tell everyone, that's payback for stunning me." He said with a wicked grin.

"Don't. You. Dare." I say worning him.

"Oh but I do." He Said and walked off.

What a great bloody day.

"Hello students." Said Professor Snape.

"As you may of may not know every year in cause of the Triwizard Tornament there is a Yule Ball. Now the Yule Ball is a dance and this is the dance class that I will be teaching I'm not going to give and example, so Draco and Bianca please come up to the front.

"What!?" We both shouted.

"Do as I say." Said Snape.

I walked up into the middle of the room and so did Malfoy.

"Now Draco put your hand on Bianca's waist.

"No!" Draco and I say.

"Do it!" Yelled Snape. Draco unwillingly placed his hand on my waist. "Now Bianca place your hand oh his shoulder." Snape said and I do as I'm told. "Now with your spear hand hold the others." He said

"I have to hold his hand?!" I ask

"Yes!" Said Snape getting frustrated. "Now move your feet to the beat and change your direction and hands when I say so." Said Snape.

"One, two, three, one, two, three, change two, three, one, two, three, Change, now everyone else join in so we can get this over with." Said Snape.

"It was horrible, he had to hold my waist and then he held my hand and ugh! I hated it!" I say to the twins.

"That's sound horrible." Said George but Fred stayed silent.

"Bianca can I talk to you?" He asked.

"Sure." I say.

We walk over to a quiet corner in the Gryffindor Common Room.

"So George and I where pranking Malfoy this morning and after we made I'm vomit a few times he told us something." Fred said. Oh no, I totally forgot what Draco heard me saying yesterday.

"Oh um really, I um, well you see." I stutter

"If I knew you liked me I would have never gone with Angelina." He said.

"I know, and this is the part where you say, but I'm sorry but I see you just as a friend." I say and start walking away. He grabs onto my arm to pull me back.

"No this is the time where I ask you to the Yule Ball." He says with his signature grin.

"I um, yes! Yes!" I say to him with joy.

"And by the way, I don't like Angelina." He says as he raps my arm around him.

We walk back over the the couches where George sat, I plopped down next to him and Fred sat on the other side of me.

"Now I see you've both resolved your problems, you need to help me ask out Katie Bell to the ball." George said

"Your asking Katie bell?" I asked George.

"Yes." He said.

"I can help with that." I smirk.
"What are you going to do?" Asked George.

"Hey Katie!" I say as I walk across the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Oh hey Bianca." She said with a smile.

"I am so bored right now, let's play a game." I say

"Okay sure what is it." She asked

"I'll say three names of guys in the common room and you have to answer which one you'd like to go to the ball with." I say.

"Okay name three." She says.

"Um okay..Dean, Seamus and George." I say to her.

"George because he's funny and between you and I he's cute." She says.

"Okay, well it's getting late so I'm going to say bye to the twins and head back to the Slytherin common room." I say

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now