No More Tornament.

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We landed in the field and everyone started cheering not realising Cedric's body.

"I'm so sorry." I say and put my forehead on his. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, it's my fault." I cried. Fred and George came down from the steps to congratulate me but then see Cedric.

"Freddie, is that."

"Yes it is Georgie." Said Fred sadly.

Dumbledore started pulling me and harry away from Cedric.

"No! Please!" I yelled

"Come on Bianca, let's go back to the common room." Said Fred and George.

"No! I need to see Nellie, and ask dumbledore something and I can't leave Cedric." I yell

"Nellie's gone back to the castle and you can ask dumbledore something later." Said George

"I'll carry you back." Said Fred. I reluctantly put my arms around Fred's neck and he lifted me up and walked back to the castle.
"He's back." I whisper. As George raps a blanket around me

"Who?" Asked fred

"Voldemort. He killed Cedric." I say without emotion "I'm going to kill voldemort." I say

"What do you mean he's back?" Asked george.

"I don't know how or why but he's back and out for blood." I say "I'm going to go see dumbledore" I say and get up.

"Bianca just wait a few more hours" Said George

"Fine if I don't go and see Dumbledore I need to see Hermione, now." I say

"I'll go get her." Said George. George walked out of the common room and Fred came and sat next to me on the couch.

"You liked him didn't you?" Asked Fred "as like liked him" Fred added

"Yes, but I liked and still do like someone else more." I say.

"Who?" Asked Fred

"I'm not in the mood to talk about that right now fred." I say

"Yeah, I understand." He Said while stroking my hair.

"Found her." Said George as he walked into the room with Hermione.

"Hey, are you okay." She asked

"Yeah I'm fine but i need to ask you something." I say


"Have you ever read any books about something called a doupleganger?" I asked her

"Yes I have, why?" She asked

"What are they." I ask

"A doupleganger is a witch or wizard that comes ever 1000 years and possesses magical powers stronger than any other witch or wizard, they learn spells, potions and anything magical really quickly and there power can be stronger if there are two twin douplegangers's, why do you ask?" Said Hermione

"Because, you know who said me and Nellie where both douplegangers." I say

"Oh my Merlin." Said Hermione

"That explains a lot." Said Fred
"It wasn't Moody?" I ask harry

"No it was Barty crouch's son, he was the one who possessed Krum, he was the one who made us enter the graveyard." Said Harry

"He was the one who killed Cedric, if it weren't for him Cedric would be alive." I say.

"Exactly." Said Harry

"Voldemort is going to pay." I say.
"Are you okay?" Asked Fred

"Yeah totally, they didn't just have a whole school, and two other schools for that matter, assembly about a guy that I watched die." I say sarcastically "you know what I'm just going to go back to the common room." I say

"Gryffindor or Slytherin?" Asked george.

"Slytherin." I say.

"Are you still being sarcastic?" Asked fred

"No" I say and start walking towards the dungeon. As I enter the common room the whole room went silent. Suddenly the all applauded and congratulated me. I looked in the corner of the common room and saw Draco looking pale and very scared. I walk up to my dorm room and lay on the bed. I roll over and let tears fall.
"Hey." Said Fred as I walked into the gryffindor common room. Fred had just woken up and his long red hair was everywhere.

"I need to fix that mess." I say with a slight laugh and point to his hair.

"It's not that bad." Said Fred

"It's terrible." Said George who had even worse hair.

"George you can talk." I say "I'll fix both of your hair." I say

After fixing the twins hair we all sit down on the gryffindor couch.

"Have you guys finished packing?" I asked

"Almost." Said George

"So that mean you guys haven't started." I say

"Exactly." Said Fred

"We need to leave in a few hours, come on I'll help." I say
Fred, George and I hop into a carriage and Nellie joins us.

"That was an eventful year." Said Nellie

"You can say that again." I say

"Do you guys have bath bombs at your house?" Asked Nellie to the twins.

"What!" Said George looking stunned

"Bath bombs! Obviously not! Why would you want to blow up your bath!" Said Fred

Nellie an I burst out laughing but the twins still looked stunned.

"Never mind." I say.
"Okay dears your in the same rooms as what you where in before the start of this year." Said Mrs Weasley.

"Mrs Weasley." I say

"It's Molly dear." She answered

"Molly, may I go visit Amos Diggory. I want to see how he's holding up." I say

"Of course dear." She said.

"Thank you." I go up the twins room and lay my stuff onto my bed. I walk out the door and start walking towards the forest that Amos lives in. I reach the house and knock on the door.

"Hello Bianca." Said Amos as he opened the door, he looked like he hadn't slept well for a few days.

"How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm okay- isn't that the necklace Cedric got you?" He asked pointing at the small stone necklace

"Yeah." I say

"May I borrow it for a few days." He asked

"Sure." I take off the necklace and hand it to him

"I promise I'll give it back soon." He said
It had been a week and each day I would go visit Amos, he seemed like he would get al little happier each day, Be He was still broken. I entered his house and sat down at his table, it's what we have been doing since the first time I've come over.

"Remember how I said I'd give you back the necklace." Said Amos


"Here." He Said And handed me a locket. It didn't look like the same necklace because you couldn't see the stone anymore. I opened the locket and it was the same stone, I looked on the other side of the locket and saw a moving painting of Cedric.

"Hello Bianca." Said the painting

"Oh my god." I say and hold a hand over my mouth.

I hope you liked my fanfic!! That's the end of this book, I'll start writing the next one soon, I hope you enjoyed!!

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now