Quiddich World Cup.

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"Don't let Malfoy got to you." Fred said as we walked up the stairs of the Quiddich stadium.

"I know Fred, but he just angered me so much!" I say to him

We walked up the stairs and I look down we are at least 40 feet high.

"Blimey dad how far up are we?" Asked Ron

"Well put it this way." Said a voice from behind us a few floors down, the man had long blonde hair and Draco was next to him, it must be his father "of it rains you'll be the first to know."

"Bianca come over here." Whispered Fred while taking me away from the scene.

"I hate Malfoy so much!" I tell Fred.

"Have fun wont you, while you can." I heard Malfoy father say.

"How come they hate you all so much?" I ask Fred.

"Because they are pureblood wizards that think that the world should be rid of muggles and muggleborns. They hate us because we love them." Fred answered.

"But that's horrible." I say

"Yeah but there's no changing the Malfoy's minds." Fred finished.

"Look it's the Irish!" Yelled George

"Woohoo!!" The crowed screamed.

People on broomsticks and in green cane shooting out and into the middle of the stadium. There was fire works and they moved into making a porcelain Irish doll.

"The Bulgarians!" Yelled Fred

"Look it's Krum!" Yelled Ginny and the crowed yelled louder.

"This is so fun!" I say to Nellie.

"I know! It's amazing!" She answered with excitement.

After the World Cup the Bulgarians ended up winning and we all went back to the tent, I went inside and sat on the couch with Fred.

"I'm so tired." I groan

"Show me a spell you've learnt from the spell book you've been reading." Fred said randomly.

"Okay, let's see." I point my wand at a pillow on the couch. "Stuplify!" I yell and the pillow goes flying.

"Wow! I couldn't master that on my first try!" Said Hermione as she walked into the room "it's a very hard spell."

"It was actually quite easy." I say to her.

"Do another." Fred said.

"Okay." I point my wand to a flower on a glass "Engorgio" I say and the flow enlarges.

"That's not normal." Said Fred

"What do you mean?" I ask

"How is it that easy for you to do spells, are you some type of super witch." He says in astonishment.

Then there was loud bang coming from outside.

"Sounds like the Irish have got there pride on." Said George.

I look over to Arthur who looks pale faced.

"It's not the Irish, everyone out of the tent! Now!" Arthur yelled and we all ran out of the tent. I looked around and there where people screaming and running away from something as fire balls where being thrown.

"Fred, George! Ginny, Nellie and Bianca are your responsibility now get back to the porkey!" He Yelled as the boys and Fred put his arm around me and George took Ginny and Nellie. We all ran for what seemed like five minutes of nonstop running. We found the forest where the porkey was and hid behind some trees.

"Are you okay?" Asked Fred with his arm still around me.

"I'm fine." I say puffing out of breath "are you guys okay?" I asked George, Ginny and Nellie. They all nodded in fright.

"Where's Harry, Ron and Hermione?" Asked Ginny almost at tears.

"They will be here soon." I assure her "I hope" I whisper to Fred

"Freddie." George said worriedly.

"The thing that where attacking us are death eaters."

"Oh no." Said Fred

"What are death eaters?" Nellie and I ask.

"There was once a wizard that went bad named.." Fred studded "named Voldemort went killing muggle borns and recruiting people for his army to take over the world and his textures where called deatheaters, Harry killed Voldemort and that's why he has his lightning scar on his head." Said Fred

"But if he's dead then why is there death eaters?" Nellie asked.

"I don't know."

"Death, death, death." Said many faint voices from far away.

"Oh no, hide!" Whispered Fred, he held me tighter and we hid behind a big willow tree as the other three where on the one next to us. "Get out your wands." Fred whispered to everyone.

I took out my wand from my pocket and held it beside my thigh.

"Did you read about any harmful spells?" Asked Geroge.

"Yes, but I'm not using the unforgivable ones." I say to him.

"Good, have you read the books Nellie?" He asked and she nodded.

The death chanting grew louder and louder so Fred held me tighter and tighter like it would protect me more, it was kind of adorable. I looked out from behind the tree and saw someone in a cloak and a sliver mask, that must be what a deatheater looks like.

They started passing us not realising we where in the forest and there was quite a few of them. Lucky none of them saw us and they all pasts after about 20 minutes but we all stayed hidden and Fred never loosened his grip.

"Harry, Hermione and Ron are still not here!" Worried Ginny.

"Ginny it'll be alright." Said Nellie.

"Good your alright!" Said a familiar voice. It was Arthur's and behind him was Harry, Ron and Hermione. Fred finally loosened his grip on me and let go. We all walked over to the porkey and held onto it we spun around and landed a little bit better this time. We walked home and entered the house.

"Brace yourself." Whispered Fred into my ear with a laugh.

"For wha-"

"Oh my goodness are your dears alright, are you hurt are you hungry are you thirsty, oh i heard what happened half an hour ago and I've been so worried!" Cried Molly while giving us all huge hugs.

"We are all okay." Said Arthur as he kissed his wife.

"Okay dears get washed and head straight to bed, you've all had such a stressful day." Said Molly.

I walked up the stairs and took a shower and put on my blue and white baggy pjs. I walked into Fred, George's and I's room and looked at my owl. I still haven't named him.

"Bianca we cleaned his cage and fed him we also changed his water for you." Said George.

"Thank you guys." I say as I pat my owl.

"Star, I'm going to call him star." I say to them as I pat the owl.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now