Cedric Doggory.

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"Hi." I say as I walk into a room full of the champions. I walk over to Nellie and sit next to her on a blue couch.

"Why are we here?" Asked Cedric. He sat down on the other side of me.

"I have no idea." I say

"Hello Champions, today you are here to bond with your fellow champions to get ready for the next task, you should know that the next task is the most dangerous task yet, it's a maze, in the middle of the maze with be the cup which if recovered you will go down in history. Be sure not to loose your self in the maze, mentally and physically. Remember the next task is in a month, I shall leave you to talk then you all may go to class." Said dumbledore and without another word he walked out.

"Rightyo then." I say turning my head to face Cedric.

"So.." He says

"So.." I answer back

"You looked amazing." Said Cedric.

"When?" I say

"Well all the time but you looked even more amazing the night of the Yule Ball." Said Cedric. The memories of that night flooded back, the vision and everything that followed it."

"Ah, Thanks." I say with a smile.

"Do you want to go hang out sometime, you like a..." He didn't finish He sentence

"Like a what?" I asked

"A date?" He answered, oh right and date.

"Um, Sure, when?" I asked

"This Saturday, I'll gone get you from the great hall after breakfast." He Said

"Alright everyone time to go to class." Said McGonagall.

"Everte Statum!" I say as I point my Wand at Ron. "Sorry!" I say as he flies back and hits the wall.

"Well done." Said Professor Moody as he hobbled over to me. "How is it that every time you try a new spell you get it straight away." He said looking at me with his fake eye.

"Thank you Professor." I say. I look over to Ron who is walking over to me. "Sorry." I say again

"Well at least you know you can do the spell." He said while rubbing the back of his head because he hit it.

"Yeah that's always a good thing." I say back

"Class dismissed." Said moony and Harry and Hermione joined Ron and I.

"So guess what happened." I say as we walk to Herbology.

"What?" Asked Hermione.

"Cedric asked me out on a date." I say

"As in Cedric Diggory?" Ron asked.

"Yeah." I answer.

"Oh." Said Ron with a slight mope.

"BIANCA!" Yelled two voices from down the hall. I looked and saw two twin red heads bolting towards me.

"Hey guys!" I say and give Fred and George a hug.

"What class are you going to now?" Asked Fred.

"Herbology." I say "I think we are learning about frog eyed fungus." I say

"It's terrible." Says Ron

"Oh shut up Ronald, it's not bad at all you just need to listen to Professor Sprout." Said Hermione.

"What about you two?" I asked

"We have Muggle studies." Said George.

"Have fun." I say as we walk our separate ways. I keep walking with Ron, Harry and Hermione until we reach the green house.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, Cedric asked me out on a date." I say casually to the twins.

"What did you say?" Asked Fred. He looked worried.

"I said I'll go but I'm not sure weather I like him or not." I say. Obviously I don't like Cedric, I like Fred but it's nice to hang out with someone other than the twins for once.

"Don't get too close." Said Fred

"Yeah, because we want to be able to spend time with you." Said George.

"I'm not planning to." I say to them.

"Good!" Yelled Fred a bit too loudly "I mean good."

"Hello cousin, This is Lacerta, her family is very close to ours, you may want to get to know her as you'll be ostaying with us over the summer ebreak." Said Draco. I looked at the girl that stood in front of me, she had short blonde hair that was a bit darker than Draco's and it reached her shoulders she also had icy blue eyes.

"No I'm not staying with you Malfoy, I'm staying with the Weasley's." I say

"We will pay you." Said Draco like he was trying to persuade me.

"I don't want your money, as I said I'm not going." I say back

"We'll see about that." Said Draco and he walked away with Lacerta.

I walked up to my dorm and saw Astoria.

"Hello." I say

"Hello, I've been told Draco Malfoy is giving you a hard time." She said

"Yeah you could say that." I say to her.  I go to the bathroom to put my Pj's on and walk out, I sit at my desks and looks at letters, some from Mr and Mrs Weasley, some from Bellatrix and some from dumbledore and Barty crouch about the Tornament. I look at the homework stacked in the right corner of my desk. I have to worry about so many things. This is unfair, I just entered thew wizarding world early this year and I'm facing so many different issues.

After doing around 2 hours of homework I put my homework away and go to sleep.
"Professor Snape I've finished." I say to him as I add the last few drops of Wales blood to my potion.

"As usual you may pack up and have the rest of the two periods as free time." He said without emotion.

"Thank you." I say as I wash my cauldron. I walk out the class and look at the time, 2:25pm. Right, so Fred and George get out of Herbology in five minutes.

I walk over o the green shed and check the time once I get there, 2:27. I look through the see through walls of the shed and see Fred poking George with a rake, what idiots. I laugh to myself. Fred sees me and waves like a three year old. I wave back and finally they get out of class.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now