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The Necklace ^^ (you'll see)

It was Saturday, I was getting ready for my small date with Cedric. I put on some ripped jeans and tucked in a black long sleeved shirt, I did my hair than left the common room, as I was walking to the great hall I saw Ron walking over to me.

"Hey Ron!" I say to him

"Let me guess, your hanging out with Diggory today?" He asked

"Yes, why?" I asked

"No reason." He said and walked away.

I kept walking towards the great hall and just outside of it was Cedric.

"Hey Cedric." I say to him

"Hello Bianca, come with me I have something for you, but first we need to go to a few places before that." He said.

"Oh, Okay." I say

We start walking towards hogmead and we start talking about random things like quddich and pixies, we both avoid the main thing that is running through our heads, the tornament. we reach the three broom sticks and enter, we order a butter beer and go and sit at a table.

"Is this date successful so far?" asked Ced

"yes" I say with a slight laugh

"good" he answered with a smile

I looked over at the table behind cedric and I and saw two men that where the same height and both of them where reading the paper, I could only see there hair which was bright red, I looked closely at the news papers and saw two eye holes on each of the papers.

"Really guys!" I say to the two men, they lift up there heads and it was obviously Fred and George.

"Sorry." said Fred

"we miss spending time with you" said George

"guys its been less then 12 hours since the last time you saw me" I laugh

"Fine, we will go but you have to promise to come to the common room tonight." said Fred

"As always, now go!" I say and the run out of the three broom sticks.

"They're your best friends aren't they?" Asked Ced

"Yeah, they are one of the only reasons I'm staying at this school." I say

"I was I was the close to someone." Smiled Cedric.

after about half an hour of talking in the three broom sticks we left and cedric brought me to honeydukes. he said that he needed to go get the surprise he was talking about earlier. I looked around the store, I was looking at some pumpkin pasties and chocolate frogs (which are my favorite) when cedric came back. he was holding a very small shopping bag and he handed it to me.

"this is for you." he said

"cedric you didn't have to get me anything" I said

"to bad I already bought  it." he said "and anyway its a thank you gift."  he added

"for what?" I asked

"for saving me during the second task and for saying yes to going out with me" he said. then thoughts started whirling around in my head about the horrid tournament. they said that its the hardest  task yet, its the task where a lot of people die and get majorly injured and.. "are you going to open the gift." asked Cedric taking me away from my thoughts.

"ah yeah, sorry." I said and opened the bag  the was a small box inside that could fit something no bigger than a large marble. I opened the box and saw a gold necklace that had a aqua blue jaggered stone that was plated gold around the back as a charm. "its beautiful" I say in astonishment.

"its a rare crystal from the black lake that has the power to give the wearer more luck than usual." said cedric "now let me buy you some candy."

"No, I'll pay, you've already spent too much money." I Said to him.

"I knew you where going to say that so I ordered and payed in advance." Said Cedric

"You can pay in advance?" I asked

"yep" he answered. Cedric went up to the counter "order for Cedric" he said to the lady.

"here you go" said the woman and handed cedric a large paper bag.

cedric thanked the lady and we both walked out the shop.

"okay so I bought two pumpkin pasties each, three bertie botts packets each, a liquorice wand each and I know you love chocolate frogs so I got four and I bought you seven." he said

"seven!" I said "its my lucky day!"

"that means the necklace must be working." he laughed
"He was just really sweat!" I say to the twins as I lie down on the couch in the gryffindor common room.

"But we are better!" Said George

"Obviously." I say.

"Now your all ours." Said Fred

"No more Ceddykins." Said George

"Really, Ceddykins." I laugh.

"Oh! Guess what we did today." Said Fred

"We went into filch's office and stole mrs notris's kitty litter." Said George

"And the put it in filch's tea." Said Fred

"That was made of.." George started

"Hagrid's toilet water." Finished Fred.

"Oh my god boys!" I say, they gave me a look saying not to tell them off. "Why didn't you let me join in!" I say with a laugh. There faces looked releaved and then George's face lit up.

"How about tomorrow we pull a prank on Malfoy." Said George.

"And That Lacerta girl." I say.

"Yes!" Answered fred.

"I have an idea." Smiled george wickedly. "We will get some fireworks that are connected to stink bombs and light them in the girls and guys dorms." Said George.

"No! Because I sleep there, remember." I say

"Oh yeah, right, how about we take Draco's and Lacerta's robes, buy some troll bogies, slug slime and frogs dung and drench the robe in it all." Said George.

"That's a good idea, but we need to do something else as well, it has to be the greatest prank of the year." I say

"I know just the thing." Smiled Fred.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now