Diagon Alley

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Bianca's wand at the top ^^

"This Bacon is so good darling" said Aurthur to his wife.

"Well, everyone eat up then you can get ready to go to diagon alley also if you want to buy a few things for the Quidditch World Cup here's a few sickles." Molly said giving everyone a few coins each.

"Now Fred and George in diagon alley you bring Bianca around to collect her school supplies and Ginny and Ron you bring Nellie around to get hers." Said Molly

"What's the Quiddich World Cup?" Nellie asked.

That was the time when Nellie and I found out about Quidditch, the best game ever.

- twenty minutes later -

I walked up to Fred, George and my room to get changed, well I more ran up the stairs so I could get changed before they did.

I grabbed some converse and some back ripped jean shorts, I put on a baggy jumper that was grey and rolled up the sleeves. I put it all on and finally let in the twins who where banging on the door.

"Are you going to let us get ready now?" George sighed.

"Yep." I say with a smug but playful smile as I walked out. I ran down the stairs back into the kitchen to tell Molly I was ready.

"I'm ready!" I say to her.

"Okay dear just sit over on the couch near the fireplace and wait for the others." She said as she washed te dishes with magic.

One by one Nellie, Ginny, Ron and the twins all came down the stairs. Fred and George sat next to me, Ginny and Nellie sat on the ground unground of us and Ron stood near the fire place.

"Bye kids I'm off to work!" Called Authur as he walked out the door.

"Bye!" We all answered.

"Okay time to go Ron you go first." Said Molly.

Ron walked closer to the fireplace and grabbed some weird powder out of a pot and stood in re fireplace. What in the world was he doing.

"Diagon Alley!" He sai. And threw the powder on the floor, the fireplace lit up into green flames and he vanished.

"Wow! Where did he go?" Nellie and I asked.

"Diangon Alley, we are traveling through the flew network.

"Wow." We both Said

"Okay Bianca you next, remember say Diagon Alley very clearly, we don't want you ending up like Harry did a few years ago." She said and gave me a hand full of the powder. I stepped into the fire place and clearly spoke.

"Diagon Alley." I say and threw the powder into the floor. The fire place lit up in green flames and I appeared in a weird place that looked like a cafe, I saw Ron standing by a table looking quite bored.

"Hello." I say to him with a smile

"It's good to see you made it okay." He says.

"Yeah it was quite scary." I admit.

Next Fred and George come through.

"Okay Ron tell Mum that we will be taking Bianca shopping to get her stuff." Said George

"I don't have my money yet though." I say to the twins.

"Oh right." Said George and waited for everyone else.

Once Ginny, Nellie and Molly cane through Molly gave me and Nellie put money from Aunt Loren.

After about an hour of buying robes and books we went to olivanders to get my first ever wand.

"Hello Fred and George nice to see you again, who do you have here?" Said a man that looked around 70.

"My names Bianca an in here for a wand I guess." I say to the man

"Olivander's is the best place to get a wand" Said Fred.

"Remember the wand chooses the wizard or in you case witch." The man said while climbing a ladder, he pulled out a long box which had interesting writing on it. The man opened and showed and almost black wand it was straight and very smooth.

"Twelve inch dark willow wood dragon heart string core." The man mutters to himself. "Try this one."

He handed me the wand and I flicked it, the candle on the desk exploded. Whoops.

"Nope not that one." The man says and takes the wand back and places it back in the box, he then goes to another part of the shelf and pulls out another box, he opens it and pulled out a wand with a braided handle and the rest was quite rough and wavey

"Sycamore wood, with unicorn hair core 12 1/4 inches." Muttered the old man. "Try this one." He said as he handed me the wand. I flicked it and it repaired the candle. "That's the right wand for you." Said the man.

I bought the wand and Fred, George and I walked outside of the shop.

"Here to now?" I asked them.

"The pet shop!" Yelled Fred, suddenly he lifted me up and over his shoulder and started running with me there.

"Fred! You know I can walk!" I yelled at him

"Yeah by this is more entertaining." Said George as we entered the pet store. 

I looked around and there was many animals, toads, cats and owls.

"Pick any animal." Said George.

I looked around the shop looking at different types of cats, owls and toads and finally found the most beautiful animal. It was pitch black owl with a white cheats and bright green eyes.

"This one" I said in amazement.

"It's adorable." Answered Fred.

I walked up to the elderly cashier "I'll take this owl please."

"Sure miss." Said the lady and I bought the owl.

"Okay is this all?" I asked the twins.

"Yep! But let's go and have a butter beer!" Said Fred with excitement.

"What's a butter beer?" I asked

"The most amazing drink in the whole wide world!" Enthused George.

We walked up to a small bar.

"Three butter beers please" asked Fred to the barista.

"Sure." The lady pulled out three huge jugs of light caramel coloured liquid with cream on the top.

"This looks amazing!" I say as we all sit down.

"It tastes even better." Said George as he took a huge gulp of butter beer.

"I'm so exited for the Quiddich World Cup!" I say to them as I wipe off butter beer from my face.

"Yeah! Oh and I think Harry is coming tonight and so is Hermione." Said George.

"I hope they like me." I say

"I'm pretty sure they will and anyway I think Ron has told them all about you and Nellie." George says with a wink.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now