The Clue.

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"I'm stressing so much!" I said to Nellie

"How in the world did our names get put in that goblet it's just not possible. I've read all the books in the library about the goblet of fire and there's no way!" She yells.

"Hey Nellie." Said a boy from around the corner as he walked up to us, I think I've seen him before.

"Hey Neville." She says with a wave.

Oh, it's that kid that Nellie likes.

"Neville this is my twin sister Bianca."

"Oh so your the twin she talks about." He said shyly "well Ron wanted me to tell Nellie to go to Hagrid about the first task." He said and scurried off.

"Who's Hagrid?" I asked her

"One of the kindest people I've met, come once need to go to hagrid." She said and began to pull me away.

"Bianca!" Said Fred who was running towards me with George close behind.

"We need to tell you something!" Puffed George.

"It's about the Tornament." Said Fred

"Go to Hagrid he will tell you all about it!" Said George.

"We where about to go because Neville already told us." Said Nellie to the twins.

"Oh okay good, well we are going to go nick something from filches office and put a puking pastel in his tea." Fred said as they ran off.

Nellie and I walked the dirt passage way the Fred, George and I went swimming in the hidden lake. We walked up to the hut that we passed when we went on the walk we stepped onto the door step and Nellie knocked on the door.

"Who is it." Said a male voice from inside.

"Nellie Clove." Said Nellie. The half giant opened the door.

" 'Ello Nellie, I know you you the Slytherin in the Triwizard Tornament." He Said

"Bianca's, my twin." Nellie said.

"Well 'Ello bianca, Lemme guess your her Because the Weasley's told ya too come 'ere."

"Yes hagrid." Nellie says.

After half an hour Harry Potter comes to the door, he brings this magical cloth that can make you invisible. Hagrid made all three of us put the cloth on over ourselves and we went into a forest.

"Dragons!" Gasped Nellie.

"Oh my Merlin!" I say

"Dragons, that's the first task." Said Harry.
"Are they trying to kill us!" I yell to the twins.

"No, I think they are trying to majorly hurt you." Said George.

"Not helping George!" I say to him

I paced around the Gryffindor Common Room and flopped myself on the couch.

"Goodbye cruel world." I say as my face smushes into the couch.

"Bianca." Said Fred

"What" I groaned

"You've learnt four freaking years of magic in only three weeks, your going to win." He Said while stroking my head trying to comfort me.

"I don't care about winning, all I care about is staying alive and keeping every body part attached!" I say.

After about half an hour of bickering I head back to the Slytherin common room as I enter I get many glares. Why are they glaring and I realise.

"Malfoy your dead!" I whisper to myself.

I search around the common room to find him and finally see him by a fire place.

"What the hell Malfoy!" I Yelled

"I don't like keeping secrets." He said and laughed with crabb and gouyal. I stormed up the stairs to my dorm room and see Astoria already there.

"Are you Okay?" She asked. She must be the only one who doesn't know that I'm a muggle born yet.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just want to murder Draco Malfoy that's all." I say

"Is it because he told everyone you're a muggle born?" She asked, Great she does know, can this day get any better! "Honestly I think it's stupid, who cares who gives birth to who we are all witches and wizards." She says "I myself am a halfblood." She adds.

"So your not going to call me a mudblood?" I ask her

"Nope." He says. I hear a tapping on the window and see the Weasley's owl. Molly must have written back! Astoria gets back to reading her book so I open the window, I take the letter from the bird and it flies away. I quickly open the the letter and read what's inside.

Dear Bianca,

Of course I still think highly of you, I know who you are, the only thing I don't like about you being in Slytherin is that it may change you and no one wants that to happen my dear. Also I know perfectly well that you didn't put your name in that goblet and the same goes with Nellie. You two need to be very careful in this Tornament, I hope to see you soon.

~Molly Weasley

It's good that she doesn't dislike me, seeing as I'm living with them for the next four years. After I finish reading it I put the letter back in it's slip and place it in my desk. I get read for bed and go into a deep sleep.
"Bianca get ready we are having an interview because of the Tornament." Nellie says as I finish my breakfast.

"I didn't sign up for this!" I say

"But we have to go, we have no choice." Said Nellie.

"Fine." I say and walk out of the great hall, I walk down to the dungeons to get inside the Slytherin common room.

"Mudblood." Said Pansy as pass her.

"Piss off." I say back and walk up the green stairs. I grab out my school robes, I go to the dorm bathroom and take a shower, then something really weird happened.

"Hello!" Said George's voice in my head

"What the hell, I'm imagining this." I say to myself as I put my shampoo in my hair

"No your not, we created a charm so that when your not with us we can talk to you." Said Fred's voice.

"You can't see me right?" I asked

"No we can only here you and the background noise and from the sounds of it we came at the wrong time." Said George.

"Well we will leave you to get ready, have fun at the interview." Fred says and I can't hear them anymore, that was so weird.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now