Rita Skeeter.

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"Hello, in Rita Skeeter!" Said the lady who was interviewing us and shook, Cedric, Krum, Fleur, Harry, Nellie and I'd hands. "I write for the daily profit, but of course you know that don't you, it's you we don't know." She said eyeing us all "your the juicy news." She said walking up to Fleur. "What quirks lie beneath those rosy cheeks." She said as she slapped Fleur's cheek "What mysteries do those muscles mask, what lies beneath those curls." She said while playing with Cedric's hair. "In short what makes a champion tick!" She said while placing her hand on Nellie and I "me, myself and I want to know, not to mention my rabid readers." She said with a laugh "so who's feeling up to sharing? Let's start with the youngest shall we." As she wiscked Harry away into a broom cupboard.

"Well that was one of the most boring lectures I've ever had." I say to the rest of the champians. After about ten minutes Harry came out of the broom cupboard looking angry.

"Your turn." She said pointing to me.

"Good luck." Whispered Nellie as I walked away. I went inside the small broom cupboard and went over and sat on the stool next to the window.

"What's your name sweaty?" Said Rita

"Bianca Clove." I say.

"At the mere age of twelve, why did you enter the Tornament with your sister, especially since you've done magic for only a month so far." She asked

"Well for one, I'm actually 14 and I didn't put my name in the goblet." I say

"Of course you didn't." She said giving a wink.

"What do your parents think of you dangerous ways?" She asked

"They are dead." I say feeling sad.

"So is it the need to be with them by challenging death, the reason you put your name in the goblet?" She asked

"I didn't put my name in the goblet!" I yelled. I stormed out of the room.

I walk up to Nellie.

"She's asking about our parents." I say to her and I storm away. I go over to the Gryffindor Common Room hoping that the twins where there and luckily they where.

"I swear to Merlin, why is there so many stupid people on this earth!" I yell at them.

"So I'm guessing the interview didn't go that well?" Asked Fred.

I flopped onto the couch and pouted.

"Well, we've got something that'll cheer you up." Said George while grinning at Fred.

"Oh my god this is amazing!" I say while flying on a broom. It was my first time to ever fly in one.

"Yeah it's great!" Said Fred with a laugh.

I'm so scared tomorrow is the day that we need to fight a dragon. I was reading up on all my spells and I've come up with a good list to use.

Coloshoo, the spell to make the target's feet stick to the ground.

Confundo, makes the target confused

Diminuendo, shrinks the target

Duro, turns target into solid stone.

"Hey." Said Astoria as she entered the dorm room.

"Hey." I say back

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Stressing, I only have a few spells that I can use for the task." I say.

"Well I'm heading to bed, you should too." She says.

"Yeah I will too." I say and turn off the light.
"You look quite pale Bianca, are you alright?" Asked Hermione.

"Oh I'm fine, I only have to fight a fire breathing dragon in less than three hours." I say calmly.

"I think your sister is freaking out as well." Said Ron

"I'll go find her." I say and walk to the library. That's where Nellie goes when she's stressing.

It only took me about five minutes to find her. She was sitting in a corner with at least seven different spell books muttering.

"This is no good, I can't find any spells, not good at all." Was all I could make put from her constant mutter.

"Nellie it's okay, we've learnt four years of magic in less than a month, Dragons are going to be easy!" I say not meaning  any word. Honestly out of the both of us, I don't know who's more worried.

"There she is!" Said a very well known voice.

"There's our champion!" Said George.

"Hey guys." I say and give them a hug.

"We are betting that you'll win!" Said Fred.

"I don't know guys I'm scared." I say to them.

"Nah you've got this in the bag!" Fred said lifting me up on his shoulder George does the same on his shoulder as well.

"Let's go eat breakfast before I die of hunger." I say to the twins as they put my down from there shoulders. I hop onto Fred's back.

"Piggy back!!" I say with joy.

"Bianca!" He wined

"Giddy up!" I say as the twins start walking. We walk down to the great hall and I hop off Fred. I see Cedric across the room looking quite worried. I walked across and sat next to him.

"Are you ready? For today?" I asked.

"Yeah, you?" He asked

"Yeah." I say with a sigh

"I never knew that the tasks where going to be like this." He Said as he bowed his head.

"We have no choice, I wish we had." I said.

"Yeah." He said. Well isn't this such a cheery convisation.

I eat some breakfast and head back to the Slytherin common room to get ready for this horrifying day. I get into my Slytherin sport uniform tie up my curly hair into a high ponytail and let a few strand fall around my face. Let's hope my glasses don't fall off while I fight a bloody dragon.

I walk out of the common room and bump into crabb.

"Good luck." He said. Hold up he's being kind. "Mudblood!" He Yelled and walk away. Never mind. Not kind.

I walk back down to the great hall to meet with Fred and George.

"Hey." Said Fred with a kind smile.

"Hey." I say while going between then and putting one arm behind each of there waists and they put there arms over my shoulders.

"It's going to be alright." George says sensing the nervousness.

Twins. | A Harry Potter Fanfic | Book 1.                [completed]Where stories live. Discover now