Chapter 1

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You chuckled to yourself tugging off your staining shirt. You got a whistle from the other female across the room.

"Lookin' got their (y/n)!" You rolled your eyes at her and tossed the staining red shirt into the pile

"Remind me again why you make me where white when we do this?" You asked pulling your gun from the holster on your hip and placed it onto the table, "It's really annoying."

Your pink-haired friend laughed, "It was your choice to dress like Lara Croft."

You dabbed a finger at her, "Don't question me! I look damn sexy!" You snapped pulling the gun from the hostler on your outer thigh.

She chuckled, "Do you have to leave? The other hunters will miss you!" She said in a whiny tone

You laughed staring to bandage your bleeding knuckles, "I need to see my family, I don't even know my little brother."

She sighed dramatically, "But you have a family here!!!"

You rolled your eyes, "I need to know my little brother. I haven't seen him since he was a baby."

She ran a hand through her pink hair, "Well at least they don't have a bounty on their heads."

You cocked an eyebrow, "My dad runs a scrapyard just outside of Crown City, and my brother is just going into middle school (i think..) how would they even have a bounty?"

She responded with a shrug

You chuckled adjusting your sports bra slightly, "I've gotta say I'll miss the adrenaline rush straight to my face."

She slung an arm around your neck, "Are you sure you want to leave?"

"I'm sure, Tech's already got me a fake diploma ready and a away to erase my existence as a bounty hunter." You stated peeling off the second skin on our arms, "Besides I'm sure the organization will be fine in your hands Pink."

"But I'll miss you!!" She groaned

With another roll of your eyes you started to remove the second skin on your toned stomach, "You can't stop my retirement on an easy eight mil."

She laughed, "You mean eight hundred don't you?"

You looked at her from the corner of your eye and grinned, "You know it."

She chuckled and purposely punched your wrenched shoulder. You shot her a sharp glare which she replied with a snarky grin.

You rolled your eyes, "Oh shut up."

You worked off your cargo pants and dumped all the ammo out on to the able you pulled the hidden blades from there places on your legs and placed them onto the table as well. You shifted your chest slightly in your hands then hummed. You reached in your bra and pulled out the smaller gun hidden there.

You wiped some blood from your chin with a fist and stretched with a groan. You needed a hot and cold shower, a foot rub, and a visit from the medic.

"The sores are something I will not miss." You stated half to yourself

Pink grinned at you as you flopped onto the cool floor and pulled off your socks and tossed them away. You wiggled your toes and stretched them. You laid back on the floor letting its coolness against your skin seep into your sore muscles.

Pink leaned over you, "Are you gonna get dressed?"

You laughed, "Screw that!"

She eventually pried you from the floor and made you put on at least sweatpants. Your phone buzzed, picking it up you smiled see a message from your father.

:;(n/n)!! I hope your day was good!;:

You smiled and started typing up a reply.

:;it was good dad! How are things at the scrapyard? Has it collapsed yet?:;

:;haha very funny (n/n), no it has yet to fall and the antiques are selling better than usual.;:

:;so did you actually buy that old diner?;:

:;yup! I moved every piece into the scrapyard myself!;:

:;Awww dad you could have asked for help!;:

:;no your busy studying I don't want to distract you.;:

:;I'm glad I'm coming home. It's been lonely without you.... can't wait to meet Russel!;:

:;it will be quite the surprise for him.;:

:;I'm kinda worried he won't like me though..;:

:;I'm sure he'll love you! He has you your his sister!;:

:;if you say so dad... I have to go, my roommate is trying to chug four Red Bull's and a coffee... the full pot..;:

:;heh good luck sweetie!;:

That was the last message sent. You puffed a breath and placed your phone down. You looked around your room at the three packed boxes and trash bag full of clothes in the corner. There was a box by our bed with your favorite guns and knives, it was difficult to part with most of them, but pink said she'd put the rest to good use.

"I suppose I should pack up my truck and get headed out.." you spoke to no one.

As you moved you caught sight of the scars on your feet. You stared as each one remembering vividly how each one burned and stung as they bled. You shook your head and pulled on a random shirt and began the long process of moving things into your truck.

You would be homeward bond soon.

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