Chapter 21

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When you got back the base was in shambles. Well.... more shambled than usual..

Your dad cried in relief though when he saw you in Sides servo. You felt awful for worrying him.. for worrying all of them, but you really didn't have a choice.
A furry did kinda kidnap you.

... Well that's something you never thought you'd think.

Very luckily you weren't too badly injured for getting hit by two cars. But it still hurt like a bitch to move and the still healing gun shot was practically screaming with pain.

So here you sat at the table in your rv just rubbing your raw wrists from the what you assumed to be cuffs.

You don't know how long you sat there lost in your own thoughts, but you were snapped from them by a knock on the door.

"Come in." You murmured softly

And slowly the door creaked open and you hummed softly and looked at the mech-turned-man.

"Hi.... Bee..." You spoke quietly afraid anything louder could cause him to flee

He didn't speak as he climbed into the RV and closed the cheap door. He sat in the seat across from you his eyes not meeting your own.

There you sat in silence for a while. The air filled with tension thick enough to cut with a knife unable to bare not talking to him you spoke.

"I'm.... I'm sorry." You sighed

He tilted his head a little, "Why for not telling any of us that you aren't who you say you are?"

"Well if you're just gonna sass me then fuck off." you huffed leaning back in your seat

He sighed and rubbed his eye, "Yes... I apologize that was out of line, but still. You were shot and acted like it was nothing, you escaped from the decepicon claws of Steeljaw with little more then several bruises."

He stared at you, "Who are you (Y/n) Clay?"

You grew suddenly nervous under his stare and you fidgeted. You've had much more dangerous men in much more threatening places bargan your quick death and you were fearless.

But here, in your own rv, with the mech-man you... loved, you felt exposed and vulnerable. You felt weak under his gaze.

You puffed a low breath,"It's... a long story..."

He quirked a brow at you, "Meaning?"

"I've done a lot of shit I'd rather forget about." You said softly

"And you think I haven't?" He asks

"It's a little different for me bee." You sighed rubbing your eyes, "You don't have family that you don't want to get involved."

"I have people I care about too." He said

"And I don't deny that." You said rubbing your arm

"Then what are you saying?" The man asked

"I..." You sighed, "I'm a bounty hunter... Well a former one.."

He stared at you silent for a few minutes as though processing what you said. He he gently reached out and took your hand.

"Well... at least your not a part of a massive illegal mafia?" You couldn't help but laugh softly at that

"Yes bee I'm not a part of a massive illegal mafia." You chuckled smiling at him

Bee's face read something you couldn't quite place, but he was smiling softly. A cute genuine smile. It made your heart flutter softly.

You noticed the reddening of Bee's cheek first, then how he was squeezing your hand. He bit his lip as though mulling something over.

"Bee-" He cut you off

"Can I do something?" He asked breathily

"Depends on what that something is." You said with a raised brow

"I just..." He breathed, "Can you trust me enough to close your eyes?"

You tilted your head, "Bee what is this-" he cut you off again seeming more flustered than before

"Can you just do it? Please?" He asks

You study his flushed face for a moment before relenting closing your eyes.

"Well you-" you were cut off by a warm feeling over your lips

You snapped your eyes open in surpise before slowly closing them again pressing closer to the soft feeling of his lips.

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