Chapter 31

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It four frustrating days before you were allowed out. You've never been patient with these things, not ever. You just wanted to skim over the pond of life and get to the other side with as little water as possible soaking through your skin, but sometimes life sends a fish with snapping jaws to pull you under the surface. 

The ride home was quiet. You weren't sure if you should be thankful or concerned. Bee wasn't a big talker, but he wasn't one who exactly remained silent when things should, had, to be said. But here you were in his cab counting trees out of the window as he drove. You had a lot to think about and such a short ride to do it in.

You had to explain all of this to your dad, explain that Russel got kidnapped, explain that you're in line with a whole bunch of misfits and trigger happy men working to take out worse people. You had to explain that Mom wasn't who she claimed to be. 

Or that you were planning on going after her. 

You had to figure the write words to sew a story together to not cause your dad to drop dead from a heart attack. It wasn't gonna be easy at all. 

"Blip Blop?

You snorted a soft chuckle,"Blip Blop." 

"Feel better?"

"Not really."

"Then repeat as needed." 

You smiled a little and glanced at the radio, "Are you serious?"

"I am very much so."

You snorted shaking your head and looking back out the window, "Dork."

"A dork who made you smile."

"You got me there." You chuckled softly

You could faintly hear a purring sound and smiled a little more leaning deeper into your seat, "I suppose you want me to talk about what I'm thinking right now."

"Do or don't but if you do I'll listen."

You gave the dash an affectionate pat and then a rub. You felt the material warm under your hand as you sighed softly at him.

"I'd need a lot longer than what we have to explain everything that is going through my head," You sighed, "But thank you Bee. I love you." 

He didn't respond, but the cab fell into a much more comfortable silence. It was comforting, at least a little. You had a small shelter in Bee, it helps you forget about the chaos that is happening around you, at least for a while. 

"What... What do you think I should tell my dad?" You suddenly asked not taking your gaze from the window

"The truth."

"All of it?"

"All of it."

You blew a raspberry and sighed, "I don't know how he'll take it though, I don't want him to keel over from shock!" 

"I doubt he'll do that."

You sighed, "But how would you know!?"

"Because he'll worry about you more than anything."

"I... You're right... but I don't want him to got hurt... I don't..." You cut yourself off with a sigh 

"It will be okay..."

"You don't know that."

"But we can make it okay."

You didn't have a reply for that, and stopped talking as he pulled into the scrapyard. You studied the shelves and antiques as Bee pulled up towards the diner. You swallowed thickly as you stepped out.


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