Chapter 32

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You swallowed thickly as you watched your dad rush out of the diner towards you. You embraced him when he hugged you tightly, he mumbled worriedly into your shoulder. You sighed softly at him and rubbed bis back gently.

"Are you okay?" He fretted holding your face 

"I'm better than I was..." you sighed

"Have you heard anything from Russel?" He asked worried and fretting

"I... I haven't..." you exhaled, "But I have a good idea where he is."

"Really? Where!?" He said gripping your arms, "I've already reported it to the police but they said they can only hope to find a break in the case to find him!"

You swallowed thickly as your words seemed to get lost in your throat. You hugged your father and trembled a little as you held him close.

"They won't..." you murmured

"They what?" He pulled you to look at your face

"They won't find him, not if who took him has something to say about it." You stated, "I know where he is, and if I tell the police nothing good would happen..."

He stared at you, "Then what do we do?"

"I'm gonna go get him." You said firmly

"What!? How!?" He said shaking you a little

"I... I'm gonna do something I said I wouldn't do anymore."


"What are you going to do?" Bee asked sitting at the table in your rv

"I've made some calls, and pulled some old favors forward to go get Russel." You stated with a hum

"What 'old favors'?" Bee sighed

"Long stories, all mostly happy." You hummed adjusting your belt

"Are you going to just go head long into danger with little to no plan?" He asked

You paused and looked at the cabinet then back at him, "Yeah."

He rubbed his eyes and sighed, "then I'm coming with you."

"Bee you really don't need to throw yourself into danger for me." You said softly giving his cheek a pat

He gently took your hand and leaned onto it, "But I want too, I want to help."

You smiled softly and kissed his forehead, "But it will more than likely result in you breaking your vow to protect humankind."

He sighed a little and kissed your palm, "Then so be it."

You chuckled softly, "Bee."

He gave you a soft determined look that warmed your heart, "Let me help you."

"I don't want you to get hurt..." you said softly

"My holoform really doesn't sustain the damages caused to it," He stated, "it is just a clever highly advanced projection."

You chuckled softly, "It's going to be bloody and your already kind of a war veteran..."

"I am willing to help you and Russel. Let me do so." He stated calmly his eyes searching yours

"I love you..." you murmured pressing your forehead to his

"A-and I love you..." he said rubbing your cheek, "Let me help."

"... fine."

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