Chapter 6

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"- and then she rolled around in the middle of class laughing about how I asked her for a pen!" You chuckled finishing the story pushing your arms outward laughing 

Your fathers reply was cut off when you heard the loud thundering footsteps. Several to be exact. You turned to the large windows and your eyes snapped open wide. There was the yellow bot from the last night. He held one of the arms of what appeared to be a much more agaressive looking bot, as four other bots helped with the lifting. You walked towards the window and placed your palm on the glass staring in awe. 

They didn't notice you as they passed, but you could hear a complaint from the red bot, that looked strikingly familiar to a red sports vehicle you've seen around. You exited the diner after them your father practically jumping over the counter to follow after you. You took up a jog to keep up with the robots large steps.

You watched as they placed the bot into one of the tubes and the large door fall shut over the bad guy. Your father finally caught up and placed a hand on your shoulder and bent over panting heavily. You chuckled at him and contiued at watch the amazing aliens you just happened to live in the same vicinity too. The blue and white bot turned then immediately froze staring at you. The others except for the likes of Bumblebee held the same reaction.

You hummed, "I don't know about you guys, but generally we humans introduce ourselves when we meet someone new." You placed a hand over your chest, "I am (y/n) Clay, you are?"

The blue and white bot shook her head and looked down at you, "I am Strongarm, this is Sideswipe." She gestured to the red bot on her side, "this isn't Grimlock." The green and black bot waved at you, "And this is Lieutenant Bumblebee."

You nodded, "I know." 

Strongarm stiffened, "You knew his designation?"

"If that means his name than yes."


"... I kinda went to go sit in a sports car, cause you know I'm a college kid I've never been able to look at a car so nice, and one thing lead to another and bam suddenly I know if aliens exist." You chuckled brushing some hair from your face 

All other bots looked to Bee who nervously shrugged. 

You chuckled, "Hey it was only a matter of time before I found out, I mean if you come stomping through here like you did today I'm surprised not more people know you exist." 

You felt a buzz in your pocket and looked down to see it's the number for you to use to go collect your bounty from, "Sorry, but I have to take this..." 


You adjusted you sun glasses leaning on the wall. You traced your gun in your front hoodie pocket, your finger gracing the tigger. You didn't react as a black suv pulled up and a man stepped out. It wasn't the man who hired you, but as long as you got your money. 

You kicked yourself off the wall and met the man halfway. He clutched the brief case he was hand cuffed to his wrist close to him. You chewed slightly harder on the tooth pick with your mouth. 

"You're the guy?" You asked cocking a brow

"Your the Hunter?" He snapped back mocking your small stature 

"I am the one who put the bullet in his head, your boss saw it." You spoke taking the pick from your mouth an flicking it onto the ground, "Enough for greetings, give me what I've come for." 

He shakily looked backwards to the still running SUV, then back to You his brow shaking, "B-Boss said I can't give it to you?"

You sniffed, "Did he give a reason?"

"Y-you were working w-with someone else.." he spoke his voice shaking 

"Well, she's dead, bullet straight to the head. Lucky bitch." You glared at him through the dark glass of your sunglasses, "Now give me my money before I do something you'll deeply regret."

You caught a glance of the gun men starting to surround you, "Actually ma'am your bounty is something Boss wants much more." The man said suddenly cocky 

You laughed loudly, "You have to kill me to get my bounty.~" 

Before anyone could react you whipped the gun out and fired shooting all gun men on your left side. The man bolted back towards the SUV. You hissed as a bullet scrapped by your arm and fired at the other gun men. You released the empty magazine and placed a new one in and immediately fired at the tires of the SUV. You snatched the man by his arm and twisted it backwards and fired point blank range at the driver of the SUV. 

You couldn't help but smirk slightly at the scream of pain when you finally broke through the windshield. The man in your grip withered and squirmed in pain and you tightened grip on his arm and pressed the barrel of the gun the back of his head. 

"You made a mistake~"


You tossed the blood stained briefcase into the passenger seat the mangled hand left behind with the body. You hissed at the pain of the chunk gripping the spot on your arm where the bullet slashed through. Blood seeped between your fingers and then removed your blood spattered sweatshirt.

"This was my favorite one.." you tsked and tossed in the back 

You wrapped up your arm and got in driving home. These have to be the last lives you take right?

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