Chapter 3

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(Bumblebee pov)

As the newest human here disappeared from view I transformed and my fans immediately kicked on trying to cool my scorching frame. I was soon met with Sideswipe's laughter, I glared at him as he gripped his tanks laughing hard.

"She was feeling you up!" He laughed

I huffed and glared more at him, "She thought I was a car!"

"Well she didn't even look at me!" Sideswipe retorted

"That's because she hurt her human digits!" I said

Sideswipe leaned back and crossed his arms, "And why would that be?"

I... I couldn't figure out a reply to that. Sideswipe chuckled.

"You don't like a human do ya bee?" He chuckled teasingly

"N-no! Of course not!" I shouted

Sideswipe smirked, "You totally have a crush so hard."

I grumbled and rolled my optics at him, "I'd like to see you keep calm when theirs a female humans hands in your engine!"

He grinned, "I bet I'd do better than you!"

I growled as he trotted off and looked down when I felt Russel pat my pede.

"Don't mind him, that was my big sis, apparently, (y/n)." He said,  "So currently she's at the diner and dad is drilling her with questions. So don't go over that way for awhile."

With that he nodded and walked off. I paused and watched him go.

"But what if I want to see her again?" I muttered to myself.

Shaking my helm I stood up. I need a good wash...

~(smol timeskip and 2nd pov)~

You looked out over the dark sky with a smile as you sat on the steps to your RV. It's just like you remember it, so somber and peaceful. You felt your phone buzz in your back pocket. You removed it and looked down at the sender.

The Liege sent one minute ago. You stared at the title message, they shouldn't be sending you anything.... you swiped across your screen ended your pin and opened the message.

Dearest Big Guns. You maybe wondering why you are receiving this message even though I said you were clear to leave... I have very sad news that I felt you deserve to know.. today at 9:32 pm Pink was shot and bled out on the first mission without you.... you slapped a hand over your mouth eyes filled with tears as you read on about the specifics of her death and who got her bounty. You stared at the message until your brightness dimmed and the screen turned off. You stared at your teary eyed expression in the black screen.

You furrowed your brows even more and gripped the phone until your knuckles turned white. It wasn't possible... it shouldn't be possible. She was too smart to let herself just get shot... your heart was beating in your throat. Pink... you inhaled a deep breath. Maybe crying in one of the sports cars will make you feel better...

Still teary eyed you stood up and shoved your phone into your pocket and quickly walked towards where you have seen the cars. There sat the yellow-black-striped one which you promptly stepped in the passenger side and shut the door. You leaned back in the leather seat cheeks damp. You pulled your knees up to your chest buried your face in them and sobbed.

Her face was still too fresh in your mind for this to be ok. Her voice still echoing in your ears. You released choked whines and whimpers letting tears fall. Unnoticed to you the air was awkward and tense for the bot you were currently sobbing your heart out in.

You stared at the radio as it suddenly crackled turning on to a random talk show.

"Good Evening everyone! Welcome to erm- 97.8 Crown City Talks!" The male voice spoke

You looked done, "Yeah this totally sounds like an official radio show."

The radio was silent for a moment too long to be comforting and then the man spoke again, "Tonight we are gonna be talking about.... How to make yourself happy!"

You cocked a brow at the radio as though the man could see the reaction to this odd topic, then again maybe he could, "step one: say blip blop. Repeat as needed."

"Blip blop." You spoke to yourself with a snicker, "Holy shit..." you chuckled but then paused, "So... this isn't a real radio show... and this car is probably haunted by a really nice ghost."

The radio crackled, "erm.. sorta?"

You cocked a brow, "Personally I didn't think that would work. So what are you then if your "sorta" a ghost?"

"...a robot.."

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