Chapter 14

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You muttered tiredly tuning over in your bed and squinting at the light that dared poke through you curtains at this time. Your throat burned and it was hard to breath. 

Screw your immune system from not keeping you healthy.

You don't need this.

You hacked up another hair ball causing a shudder to pull down your body. You flopped over and pulled a tissue from the box sitting on your nightstand. With an aggressive blow from your nose your tossed the dirty paper into the trash bin you moved beside your bed. 

Screw being sick, you need to make sure your brother is okay, and stays that way. 

Your arching muscles and pounding head decided this was more important. 

Sniffling you grabbed one of your pillows and wrapped your arms around it. You placed your chin down on the soft material some how comfortably laying on your stomach. 

"Hey peanut." You heard your dad speak, though through the ear nearest the door, though it still didn't have a door, it sounded like he was speaking through a fishbowl. 

You turned your head towards him with a disgruntled "hm?".

"Now, I know your not feeling well, so I made some soup." You lifted your head at the prospect of food, "And some DayQuil." 

You smiled a little and took the hot bowl from him

"Thanks.." your voice was hoarse and hurt your throat when you used it 

"Rusty and I are gonna run out for some errands, and I'm pretty sure most of the bots are out." He looke over his shoulder, "So you have the yard to yourself." 

You smiled softly as he left you to your sickly solitude. After a great struggle of getting the soup on you bed in a way it won't spill you, with that not being entirely successful, you pulled a pair of headphones from your sidetables drawer. 

You brushed some of your just-rolled-out-of-bed-literally hair out of the way and put them on. You plugged your phone in and got ready to disassociate to reality as you started up your music at a loud volume. 

You managed to finish the soup with out a) soaking your comforter or b) burning yourself because your a little twitchy and may dump it in yourself.

You placed the bowl aside and flopped backwards in your bed. After a failed first attempt at getting the blankets up, i.e. unpurposfully punching yourself in the face, you managed to do it right and roll onto your side facing the door. 

You just laid there for several hours questioning reality as your music blared on. Some had several meanings, others were just symphonies made to sway you to feel. What they were trying to get you to feel you couldn't always say.

You turned your eyes from the wall to the door when you saw a shadow that looked awfully suspicious. 

Soon enough through the probable invader turned out just to be the earthly creature named mech-turned-man, Bumblebee. 

You limply waved at the hunk of man meat carefully crafted by the gods just to tempt and torture you into loving something other than guns and food. 

You flopped a hand to your head and pulled one ear to be free to listen to what the bot-man has to say. 

He chuckled, "Whats got you in such a dreary mood?"

"Random sickness." You croaked sounding worse than you originally thought, "So leave me you'll get sick."

Bee rolled his pretty blue eyes and walked towards you, "I'm a robot, a transforming alien, organic diseases can't harm me."

"It's not a disease it's hell." You grunted eyes closing, "What do you want anyway?" 

"Just to make sure your not offline," he drawled sitting by your feet, "Which appears you are not."

"Feels like I'm going to." You sniffled 

"I'm sure it's not that bad." Bee teased with a dashing smile you wanted to knock teeth out of 

"I literally cannot breath without hacking up a lung Bee." You spoke narrowing your eyes 

He looked really concerned when you started coughing. Well that hyperbole went right over his head. 

You shook your head, "Uck." You grunted sitting up 

"Bee, I'll be fine by the tomorrow." You chuckled, "I'm glad you came to see me though." 

He gave you a smile you fell in love with.

Fell in love with..

Fell in love... 

in love.. 



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