Chapter 24

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If only blissful wonderlands lasted forever.

It all happened so fast.

You should have been faster.

But you weren't

Though thats what everyone says.

'I wasn't fast enough...'

'I should have been faster...'

'I wasn't strong enough...'

But you didn't think like that. You shouldn't think like that. You can't be like those stupid self-depressing thoughts.


Your legs burned and feet sent shocks of pain up your leg, but you couldn't stop. So you didn't stop running. 

You stumbled over a branch but immediately got back up and kept running, you let them get away. It was your own stupidity that let it happen that you let a stray shot lose.

You tripped again, but this time you took a hard tumble down a hill. You hit the bottom with a pained grunt. You wiped some blood from your mouth and slowly sat up to meet the muzzle of a gun pointed straight at your head. Your eyes widened as you slowly shifted your gaze up to see the man you were chasing down. 

You met his gaze his eyes narrowed in confusion. You really didn't know if it was really in confusion, you couldn't see his whole face. You swallowed shakily a pang of fear striking you in the heart. Which caused your pulse to pick up .

"Aren't you a little young to be in this line of work?" The man suddenly asked 

You nodded shakily body trembling in fear of death.

Sure other girls your ages were hanging out after school, doing sports, hell, even braiding each others hair at slumber parties and worrying about boys and school drama. Definitely not this. 

Girls your age shouldn't normally be able to name the four places in the human body that would cause someone to bleed out the fastest. 

But here you were, at fourteen, hunting down a target in the middle of the woods after he took off because you missed your shot. It was a stupid mistake, and now you were probably gonna pay the ultimate price. 

And you haven't even gone to Homecoming yet!

"Why are you out here then?" The target asked 

"C-Cause its the family business..." You murmured looking in the dirt 

"God...." The man breathed and looked up, "I can't kill a fuckin' kid...." 

You just stared at him as he hit a moral dilemma. You couldn't really blame him either. You still had a lot of your life left to live.... that is if he doesn't pull the trigger. 

Luckily, he didn't have to decide. You gasped in surprise when the side of head blew out. You whirled your head around to where the bullet came from and swallowed shakily seeing the figure approach you.

There she was. 

The mighty. 

The feared.

Your mentor, Bloody Mary.

"(Y/n). What have I told you about missing shots?" She asked coldly 

"That they get people killed..." you murmured head bowed

"And it almost happened to you."

"Sorry mom...."

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