Chapter 35

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Well everything has gone predictably south fast. There was so much gunfire it left your ears ringing a sharp pain that went straight to your brain.

You had sent Bee away to help some of your friends. That and you didn't want him to see just how good you are at what you do. Well, that skill really wasn't being shown currently as you clambered through the disgusting vents with a hand gun locked between your jaws. You could hear the gunfire and shouting of commands ringing through the Bloody Mary base but you ignored it your firm gaze set straight ahead.

You could hear her voice nearby and it infuriated you more than anything, this woman that has caused you so much torment and pain dared to even think that she could just sweep your brother away and get away with it.

Her voice echoed through the metal walls of the vent and bounced surrounding you from all sides. It caused your brows to lower and knit together causing your lips to pull back from around the gun as though you were a hateful predator snarling at the object of their distaste. The voice was far too light for such a heinous snake of a women, far too gentle and warm.

Soon you found the source, you peered down the shutters of the vent opening and studied the room for a moment. As much as you wanted to job down there guns a-blazing, you went stupid, you knew enough that that would not work.

Two by the door

Three in front of the desk

Your mother and Russel behind the desk.

The poor boy hasn't been untied or unblinded, not yet anyway.

Six main violent targets and one not.

Six shots and a save.

You swallowed a little trying to keep your breathing calm and not filled with rage. One hand slid up to wrap around the handle of your gun and take it from your mouth. Sliding your tongue over your teeth for a moment you dropped down into the room.

Five rapid shots rang out five hit the floor and you whirled around to fave your mother with hatred beginning to bubble over as you aimed at her. She stopped mid-motion as though she was a part if a paused video. A growl rumbled in your throat before you could stop it as you glared into the same eyes that you have.

"I should have guessed you'd be here to save him from me." She started slowly

"Yeah, you should have, and I'm sure you've expected to meet the business end of my bullet." You snapped lowly

"Oh I have, but as always you're slow to the shot." 

You had to snap your body away as a bullet whipped by all too close. It was your turn to fire, and fire you did. The older woman was quick despite her age and the battle was rough and hard. The hits rapid and sharp, well placed for pain.

But it all led up to the climax your gun pressed right up against her head your finger hovering over the trigger. You glared down at the women who made your life what it is, you were so ready to end this so ready to put her down for good, but your hand wont stop shaking... Almost like you didn't want to do this..

Your mother gazed up at you with those eyes, they look so tired but glittered with something you've never seen before, pride. You swallowed the blood that was pooling in your mouth and tried to form the words to say anything. Your gun gave shifting away from her head but she grabbed your hands in her own steadying our hold on the gun.

"Just breath and pull the trigger when your ready, the recoil can hurt." She said softly her hands encouraging your own to squeeze down around the gun

Your eyes widened at the statement she once told you oh so long ago. and before you realized it the shot went off.


The drive back to the Leauge's base was a distraught one, at least for you. Sure you succeeded in getting your brother back, but at the cost of your mothers life. She was never a good mother, or even a good person, but your heart still felt like a steal ball.

You had made sure Russel was safe an okay, and gave him a story to stick too when asked about it. You had him call and talk to your dad, you didn't trust your voice enough not to crack at the moment.

All three of you spent the night there.

You couldn't get to sleep.

After a long shower and a chance to lick your wounds your mind refused to calm enough to even get a blink of sleep. You turned your head when you heard a soft knock on the door and Bee's holoform poke it's head in.

"Hey.." He said softly as he stepped in, "Are you okay?"

You shifted your gaze back to the oh-so-interesting ceiling, "I... I don't know.."

He sighed softly and climbed over you to lay on his side on the bed, "Want to talk about it?"He pushed some of you hair from your face avoiding a large bruise on your cheek

"Not.. Really. Sorry." You mumbled shifting to face him

"No, its alright, today was.. stressful, to say the least." He hummed gently tracing over your features

"You can say that again.." You chuckled dryly

"Do you need anything?" He asked her bright blue eyes settling with yours

"Just... you." You said softly shifting closer to him, "And to be held for awhile.... and some sleep."

You smiled softly as he pulled you closer to his warm holoform his arms wrapping around you in a tight but warm embrace.

"I can help you with two of those at least." he mumbled nuzzling into your hair

You hummed softly and nuzzled against his chest, "That's better than nothing."



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