Chapter 5

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You wandered into the diner the next morning. You adjusted your sweatshirt and plopped down in the bar stool beside Russel. The TV was currently playing some reruns of a show you started to obsess over a while ago. You smiled as a plate of food was slipped in front of you.

"Thanks dad." You spoke picking up the fork and stabbing a sausage, "Let's see if those cooking classes paid off."

Your father chuckled and slipped a plate before your brother who didn't respond as his eyes remained locked with the show playing on the TV. You happily started to eat thinking about last night. Talking to the fucking robot. A fucking alien ass robot sent to protect to from other alien ass robots. AND THEY TRANSFORM INTO CARS!!

"So..." you clicked your tongue, "When were you planning to tell me about the giant transforming robots in the scrapyard?" You spoke slightly awkwardly causing both members of your family to freeze

"When did you find out?..." Russel asked looking at you

You hummed picking up a piece of egg, "Last night. Saw a giant yellow robot when I went for a walk." You explained leaving out several key details as you popped the egg into your mouth

Your father sighed, "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner... I was just afraid you wouldn't come live here if you knew there was alien car robots here."

You rolled your eyes, "Dad it takes more than a little interplanetary rouges and criminals for me to not come see you."

He gave you his normal genuine smile when Russel piped up, "Besides Bee who else have you met?"

You shook your head, "Besides little yellow? No one."

Russel grinned slightly, "Ill gladly show them to you!"

You chuckle, "that would be nice. Can I have some juice?" You asked you farther

He chuckles, "Of course."


You allowed yourself an excuse to "explore the scrapyard" when really you were setting up hidden security cameras and burying another suit case of money and hiding guns everywhere. You found the corner with a bunch of weird pods with different almost frightening metal creatures with bright red and yellow eyes that seemed to glare straight into your armored soul.

You passed them without a shiver. You heard the soft zoom of wheels, it sounded similar to a Segway. You soon spotted an orange bot, much smaller than Bumblebee, inspecting one of the pods. Casually you walked over to him... it your hands in your pockets.

"These are pretty cool." You stated coolly

The bot seemed to jump, "G-GAh!" He shouted quickly wheeling away

You watched him go and shrugged walking around once more. It was cool out and it felt nice to be out here. You brushed some hair behind your ear and continued forward placing a security cam here and there. You weren't exactly sure what you would see, but nothing wrong with being too careful. Especially with the life you live. Or lived. Or are currently living.

You know plenty of people who if they had you in a room with hitler and the devil and they had three bullets, they'd shot you in three spots to make you slowly bleed out and die a very painful slow death. They'd want it that way. Plus you have quite the bounty above your head.

So you always had guns and knives on you. If you needed to deck someone off that was shooting at you they would not expect the machine pistol you pulled out of vitally no where. You always loved the fight ended shouts before the bullet met their throat. Like they are trying to desperately to keep their life, but realize it's already too late. 

You hummed to yourself as you rounded back towards the diner. You spotted Russel leaving with an antique helmet on his head. You walked into the diner to see your dad behind the counter.

"Where's Russel off too?" You questioned walking over to the fridge

"He's gonna play football with the neighborhood kids out the street." Your father answered, "Meet any of the bots yet?"

You shrugged, "There was that small orange one I tried talking to, must of scared him though."

"That's Fix-It, he's a little glitchy, did you see anyone else?"

You shook your head pulling a soda out of the fridge, "Nope, didn't seem like anyone was around."

He shrugs, "They could be on a mission. Any interesting stories you want to share from college?"

You chuckled softly sitting in a bar stool in front of him, "well, what do you want to know?"

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